SCOTUS has ruled Biden can resume removal of the razor wire installed by the state of Texas – IOTW Report

SCOTUS has ruled Biden can resume removal of the razor wire installed by the state of Texas

“The majority of the razor wire is deployed in the Shelby Park area of Eagle Pass – city owned property that the state of TX recently seized control of with armed soldiers – and kicked the federal government out.

In order to remove the wire, TX has to allow Border Patrol back in. If they refuse – what happens? This is potentially setting up a significant state vs federal showdown if push comes to shove.”

44 Comments on SCOTUS has ruled Biden can resume removal of the razor wire installed by the state of Texas

  1. ….and Texas can continue to reinstall it. if the Feudal Guv wnta it off the border, sure, but Texas can install any boundary on their park that they choose. Chain link is expensive, but looky here lightly used razor wire!

    Texas can also arrest and deport anyone entering illegally.

    Texas might also consider arresting any ICE, whats that term for people who facilitate the commission of a crime? Accessory.

  2. Ok Texas. Let them remove the wire and install spiked well greased WW1 barricades instead. When they try to climb over, they’ll slip and instant impaling will take place. Also make them about 20 feet wide so no one can be tossed over as well.

  3. Andrew Jackson’s suggestion to the Supreme Court comes to mind. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their constitutional republic and the laws on which it is founded.

  4. I think they (SCOTUS) thinks they see the writing on the walls!

    Those who write on courtroom walls
    hoping the nation fails and falls
    rolls their shit into little balls.
    Those who are proud of those words of spit
    eventually eat those little balls of shit.

  5. -beachmom

    WRONG Roberts was the most liberal judge in history 23 years ago

    I REaD HIS RULINGS when the degenerate nominated him! He likelyh was born aleftist!

  6. Article IV, section 4

    The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

    The federal government, including scotus, is illegitimate.

  7. When the Federal government and Supreme Court don’t uphold The Constitution by allowing an invasion of illegals, states have the right to defend/protect themselves. Absolutely, the case in Texas.

    Illegals running the border always breach a particular state’s border FIRST, at the same time they are guilty of crimminal trespassing/invading the sovereign territory of The United States of America. The Xiden Administration clearly isn’t defending the borders…with enthusiastic intention.

    It is not unconstitutional for states to defend their borders and this does not impede federal border control regulations. Roberts and Barrett once again ruling as globalist saboteurs.

  8. @Anon

    It should succeed in its desire to keep out illegals, and secede if the Feds try to stop Texas from doing it.

    I don’t know if you’re the good anon or the bad one. Sorry to sound like a spell checker, but I couldn’t resist. I make spelling errors all the time.

  9. @ an ol exJarhead MONDAY, 22 JANUARY 2024, 18:06 AT 6:06 PM

    Exactly. I said when he was nominated and faced no opposition that it appears that he is compromised. He has regularly validated that assessment since.

  10. Show a stupid woman a picture of a crying baby and mom and she’ll sell out your entire country out of her idiotic sense of empathy for what she can see. But the thousands of women and children who’ll cry after they’ve been raped or had a loved one murdered by an unvetted illegal alien scumbag will not be in her field of vision; so that’s okay. The 19th amendment was a huge mistake. The typical woman is either an idiot, a hyper conformist, or an hormonal softie at the worst possible time.

    If being a US citizen is such a privilege, then why is it given away to literally any piece of shit who can walk in, provided they’re not white.


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