SCOTUS Stops CA Abortion Advertising Law – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Stops CA Abortion Advertising Law

Victory Girls Blog: While the Supreme Court’s decision on the “travel ban” is getting most of the literal and virtual ink today, the Court also struck down the California law that required pro-life and crisis pregnancy centers to advertise where women could get abortions, as a probable violation of the First Amendment.

It was a split decision, with Justice Kennedy siding with the court conservatives.  more here

5 Comments on SCOTUS Stops CA Abortion Advertising Law

  1. these 5-4 decisions are driving me crazy!
    there’s a solid block of progtards in the courts that don’t even bother to cite law, or argue anymore … they just spout democRat talking points straight out of Sorass/Bozos

    we need everyone to get out to vote this November … more now then ever!

  2. The ugly leftists have put pro life activists through so many hoops over the past 45 years, altered the meaning of words and killed so many children via their sacrament of abortion, I’m in awe that our country still nearly exists as founded.
    The ugly leftists aren’t content to allow women to make their own choice, they have impeded women to make a choice to give life. The ugly leftists at one time were opposed to the killing until they were bought off by the blood money of PP.

    They don’t care how many broken souls they leave in their wake. They aren’t interested in helping women who are in difficult circumstances.

  3. A 5-4 conservative win is one heck of a lot better than a 4-5 loss.
    Take the win. More coming, likely all 5-4. Thank God, Clinton did not win* the election.

    *Lots of other words came to mind besides win.


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