SCOTUS Temporarily Blocks Dem Subpoena of Trump Financial Records – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Temporarily Blocks Dem Subpoena of Trump Financial Records The Supreme Court temporarily blocked House Democrats’ efforts to swiftly obtain President Trump’s financial records as part of their impeachment probe.

Politico reports that at least five justices agreed to put a pause on a lower court’s ruling in favor of Democrats’ subpoena of President Trump’s financial records from accounting firm, Mazars USA.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee are seeking records from 2011 to the present.

“The ruling will prevent Democrats from swiftly obtaining Trump’s tax information as they start to prepare articles of impeachment against Trump. Lawmakers are expected to decide in the coming weeks whether to broaden out their case beyond the swirling Ukraine scandal to include allegations that Trump abused his position for personal financial gain,” writes Politico. read more

12 Comments on SCOTUS Temporarily Blocks Dem Subpoena of Trump Financial Records

  1. Since there is no claim of any specific criminal tax issues, it is hard not to see this demand for records as anything other than a use of the government by the Democrats against a political opponent.

    Purely political with no evidence at all to justify an investigation for any serious civil or criminal violations.

    No one, and I mean absolutely no one, not even the IRS, can fully understand a tax return as complex as Trump’s surely is (or anyone else in his league including Gates, Soros, etc.), so they are looking for anything at all that they can use to make claims against Trump that the average voter has no hope of validating or invalidating for himself.

  2. “… allegations that Trump abused his position for personal financial gain,” writes Politico.”

    The guy put his business on hold For 8 years, Has lost millions if not billions as a result, and has even returned his salary to the treasury. Meanwhile the members of congress and their progeny have enriched themselves at taxpayers expense.

  3. The dems are leaving no stone un-turned in the quest of something to charge Trump with.

    We will know they have hit rock bottom when Schiff tells us he needs to sniff DJT’s butt.

  4. This is a bill of attainder banned under Article I Section 9 paragraph 3 of the Constitution.

    There is no crime. This is a fishing expedition hoping to find some fudging of an accounting number. Companies use US GAAP every year to state asset valuations and how much depreciation they take to reduce tax liabilities.

    They act like Trump is sitting there with a crayon writing numbers in himself and ordering the inside accountants to tell the outside accountants to lie.

    They are attemping this at the state and federal levels knowing full well it is against the law and daring the Supreme Court to stop them.


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