SCOTUS won’t stop NY prosecutor from obtaining former President Trump’s tax returns – IOTW Report

SCOTUS won’t stop NY prosecutor from obtaining former President Trump’s tax returns

Just The News: The Supreme Court on Monday cleared the way for a New York prosecutor to obtain former President Trump’s tax returns.

The high court paved the way by declining Trump’s lawyers’ request for the justices to halt access to their client’s tax records. more

SNIP: Whatever. If Trump really had IRS issues, it would have been leaked in 2015. This is just a democrat’s soap opera.

28 Comments on SCOTUS won’t stop NY prosecutor from obtaining former President Trump’s tax returns

  1. But it’s all OK, because “Trump’s tax records are not supposed to become public as part of prosecutor’s criminal investigation.”

    By the way, what “criminal investigation”?

    Also BTW, why is it that lately when we have these outrageous decisions by SCOTUS, we never learn how each justice voted? Why no transparency all of a sudden?

  2. The Left has every intention of putting Trump in prison, his family too if they can, and it is to serve as a warning to never, ever oppose their agenda again.

    They aren’t going to stop till they succeed, they never do.

  3. What part of “it’s illegal to obtain a private citizen’s tax return’s” doesn’t his vapid clown understand? And for what? Because he believes it righteous? Scumbag.

  4. nunyo bidness – Thanks. I’m still waiting for an explanation of that case.

    I know there are a lot of other suits coming.

    Overall, this is what happens when you select judges from one pool and Bitch McConnell gets to pick.

  5. Nunyo-

    “WASHINGTON, D.C. — The US Supreme Court has declined to take up a pair of leftover cases from the 2020 election. The cases involved the authority of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to extend the state’s mail-in ballot deadline.”

    OK so this is PA legislature trying to sue PA’s supreme court.
    SCOTUS is being shifty. They don’t want to accuse judges of breaking the law. They don’t want any part of that.
    PA needs to get rid of those judges and it’s going to have to be legislators who do that. Have them removed by law.
    PA is disgusting. And I’m saying this being from Nevada, and we’re no better.

    PA court clearly violated their own constitution by going around legislation. Legislators need to start busting heads.

  6. What was the vote? 5-4?
    With Roberts going with the leftists?
    Some day I hope to find what the big dirt on him is.
    It has to be more than illegally adopting because his kids are grown and it wouldn’t matter now.

  7. Trump cannot possibly have IRS issues. His returns for the hundreds of companies in the Trump organization and his personal returns are under continuous IRS audit. This is sometimes done with highly complicated conglomerates in which various items could be characterized multiple ways and what’s done for one has repercussions for many returns and years. It’s less an “audit” than that the multiple returns are under continuous negotiation.

    Apparently, what is wanted by NY is instead a fishing expedition. Want to try to find “something” that could lead to an idea or evidence of something more that they could pursue to find something, anything, that Trump has done wrong. It’s unlikely, since, while Trump did not release his tax returns, he did release thousands of pages of far more informative financial statements. (He wanted to avoid the extreme hassle for his administration and company, and distraction in the public discourse, of having misleading information — e.g. “He only paid $750 in taxes!” — in a media circus (not to mention thousands of leftist lawyers and accountants arguing against the ongoing negotiations with the IRS.)


  8. SCOTUS has also dismissed all of the cases having to do with the election 2020.
    Clarence Thomas, Gorsuch and Alito dissented.
    Leftists love Kavanaugh and Barrett in 3…2….1….

    John Roberts was the most liberal judge America in ’05 with a long history of far left rulings. I know, I did my homework and read them!
    My guess is that Roberts was born a left winger and has always bee a liberal. Bush lied when he said this liberal was conservative!
    “The dirt on him” is GWB lied!

  10. Yeah, I’d like to know the SCOTUS vote breakdown too.

    If ACB ever votes in favor of a key conservative issue I’ll run out and buy lottery tickets the same day while my luck is still holding.

  11. For that matter, are there ANY solid dependable Conservative federal judges in the pipeline that we are 100% sure are true Constitutionalists?

    Kavanaugh and ACB have been complete failures so far.

    The only two solid conservatives we can count on are Thomas and Alito.


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