Sean Hannity accused of repeatedly evicting tenants who paid no rent – IOTW Report

Sean Hannity accused of repeatedly evicting tenants who paid no rent

American Thinker: The great things about liberals is that even though most have never run a business, they all know exactly how businesses should be run.  It’s as if all those courses they took at Amherst or Yale on women’s studies, art history, and neo-colonialism gave them an intuitive sense for market forces, and exactly how much businesses should pay employees, exactly how much in taxes businesses should pay, and how to run every aspect of their companies.

It’s hardly surprising, then, to find an exposé in the Washington Post focusing on Fox News commentator Sean Hannity.  Hannity spent millions of dollars to buy ownership in over a thousand rental properties, and then, once he acquired ownership, he started evicting tenants left and right – all for the “crime” of not paying rent!  How bizarre is that?  When Sean Hannity invested millions of dollars in rental properties, he actually expected the tenants to pay rent to him!

Liberals, of course, know that this is immoral and scandalous – the economic equivalent of keeping a “brown slave” like Eric Schneiderman or sexting while babysitting like Anthony Weiner.

Here’s what the intrepid business experts at the WaPo uncovered:

[A] Washington Post analysis shows that managers at Hannity’s four largest apartment complexes in Georgia have taken an unusually aggressive approach to rent collection.  They have sought court-ordered evictions at twice the statewide rate – in a state known for high numbers of evictions and landlord-friendly laws – and frequently have done so less than two weeks after a missed payment.

All good points!  Rental properties like Hannity’s are exactly the same as all other rental properties in Georgia, therefore the eviction rate should be exactly the same.  The WaPo knows this because, well, it just does is!  read more

12 Comments on Sean Hannity accused of repeatedly evicting tenants who paid no rent

  1. As an owner of rental property, nowhere on the scale of Hannity, I can tell you that once a tenant gets more than 2 weeks behind on rent, they NEVER catch up.

  2. I worked part time evictions for a slumlord 40 years ago.
    After all the legal solutions had been done, some still wouldn’t move.
    He would give us, a Motorcycle ‘Club’, keys and a c-note each.
    When the cops were called and showed up, we had legal residency papers, they had eviction papers.
    Seldom did they make sunup. Jail, the road, or the hospital, the only available options.
    Did I feel bad, hell no, these were all section 8, the rent was mostly payed by our taxes.
    If I could work several jobs to keep a roof over my family’s head, so could they.
    Uncle Sugar never gave, only took from me.
    My white privilege.

  3. Funny how Bezosionairre and the WaPo staffers dont just pay the rent for these deadbeats. If its so horrible they can just pony up the past due rent and keep the victims housed and still bash Hannity. But all they have to offer, in typical leftist demorat fashion, is words… no money.

  4. FooxUp News Host…
    From reading some reports about how he dealt with tenants,
    His name should be Ebenezer Scrooge Hannity.
    Who worships at the altar of money.

  5. Perhaps everyone should subscribe to the Washington Post then refuse to pay. When they stop sending us the paper, we can scream that Bezos hates poor people.

  6. Hannity evicting people for not paying rent is a story?? Charlie Rose and Weinstein have been abusing women for decades and these libs never once published a story on it until the dam broke and they had no choice.

  7. We have a rent house, renters are funny creatures when you do evict them. Most never want to go to court, usually you give them an eviction notice and they’re gone in a few days. Those that force the issue though crack me up what they will tell a judge. My top 3 favorites:
    1. We tried to pay them the rent and they wouldn’t take it. (I’ve heard this one twice, both times the judge laughed.)
    2. We thought we had a 30 day grace period.
    3. We had unexpected expenses, but we were going to pay the rent next month.

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