Sean Hannity Quits New York – IOTW Report

Sean Hannity Quits New York

New York, New York, bye-bye.
He may be in Florida, but his job is still in New York [Taxe$].

13 Comments on Sean Hannity Quits New York

  1. I’m beginning to think that Alan Colmes wasn’t so bad after all. I am not a Sean Hannity fan, he a pompous arrogant jerk who thinks that his conservative shit doesn’t stink. And he’s another damn womanizer who left his wife and family to shack up with the blonde chick on Fox and friends.

  2. Fuck off, COVID coward.

    I still remember you wanting to use Government force to deny your neighbors in your building access to their own homes because you were so very fearful that they might infect your own precious self with a cold.

    Go to hell Hannity.

    It’s warm there, and you’re already besties with everyone else headed there. PERFECT for a fan of Statist tyranny like you.

    Make THAT your next move.


  3. I stopped listening to his blather long ago. So……who cares? What’s his ratings? Probably as low as Faux & CNN.

  4. and his bleach blonde clam fake Christian girlfriend Ainsley. “oh lets have our lil bible study class” that she can’t start til after the LBGQ-xyz123 promotion she sold my soul for on FOX news

  5. I quit Hamm-ity well over a decade ago, for all of the reason mentioned.

    If I wanted to listen to someone that knows everything, always right and never admits they’re are wrong, I’d listen to my 18 yr. old grandson.

    To be honest I knew everything when I was eighteen too. 5 months after my 18th birthday I joined the Marine Corps. I immediately found that I was a lower species of maggot, Jodie was screwing my girl friend and I didn’t know anything.
    My Drill Instructor was right about all three.
    I still don’t know how he knew about my girlfriend. 🙂


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