Sean Hannity Wrong on Armed Michigan Protestors – IOTW Report

Sean Hannity Wrong on Armed Michigan Protestors

American Thinker –  Daniel John Sobieski:
One of the constitutional freedoms liberals are trying to use the Wuhan virus pandemic as an excuse to shred is the Second Amendment’s guarantee that our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. There is no asterisk indicating an exception in case of pandemic, so when law-abiding gun owners show up to protest a government’s attempt to infringe on their rights, why should they not show up with the weapons the government is trying to curtail their use of, even take them away if the liberals could. Which part of “bear arms” does Sean Hannity not understand?

Hannity, who likes to count on his fingers when talking over his guests, repeating endlessly the same shopworn phrases, took to task protestors who showed up at Michigan’s state capitol to protest against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s draconian stay-at-home orders, including the deeming of gun and ammo shops as nonessential as liberal governors and mayors nationwide release felons to the streets. The ever-modest Hannity opined that their bad optics was in fact hurting their cause:  

“I’m the number one supporter [on] radio and television, that I know of, [of the] First Amendment and the Second Amendment. Now, no one is a bigger defendant of the Second Amendment than yours truly,” Hannity said Monday night on his television program.

“Everyone has the right to protest, protect themselves and try to get the country open,” the host said as video rolled of Thursday’s protest in Lansing. “This, with the militia look here, and these long guns, uh… no. Show of force is dangerous. That puts our police at risk. And by the way, your message will never be heard, whoever you people are.”

“No one should be attempting to intimidate officials with a show of force, and God forbid, something happens,” the host continued. “Then they’re going to go after all of us law-abiding Second Amendment people.”

They already are, Sean, in case you didn’t notice. That’s why the protestors were there — with their weapons. How do law-abiding citizens, many of them veterans and retired law enforcement themselves, who have legally purchased these weapons and know how to handle them endanger police exactly. Police and law-abiding citizens are more threatened by the criminals that governors like Whitmer seek to release even as they restrict our right to arm and defend ourselves and our families. Perhaps Sean forgets why there are no mass shootings at gun shows or why the Second Amendment was written in the first place. more

32 Comments on Sean Hannity Wrong on Armed Michigan Protestors

  1. Hannity has always been a suck-up … now he’s sucking up to the Murdock brother’s wives … he knows who writes the checks, & more importantly, who runs the checkwriters

  2. …I gave up on Sean when he turned COVID Yellow and started pimping for suspending the Constitution in Noo Yawk so he’d be kept “safe” by his masters…I haven’t listened to his craven ass in a month, flipped it on breifly today and he was right on “Common Sense Safety Measures”, so back to the music I went…

    …screw that guy, he’s with the enemy now, whether willingly or fearfully, doesn’t matter, he works for Cumhole and Company now.

    Here’s a theme song for him…

  3. He , and a few others, tarnish our Irish ancestors. Beware of the German side in combination with the Irish side. We forget nuttin’ but grudges….and some of us were German Jews with a grudge to hold…..

  4. A young cowboy named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm
    A boy filled with wonderlust who really meant no harm
    He changed his clothes and shined his boots
    And combed his dark hair down
    And his mother cried as he walked out

    Don’t take your guns to town son
    Leave your guns at home Bill
    Don’t take your guns to town

    He laughed and kissed his mom
    And said your Billy Joe’s a man
    I can shoot as quick and straight as anybody can
    But I wouldn’t shoot without a cause
    I’d gun nobody down
    But she cried again as he rode away

    ~ Johnny Cash

  5. seriously, it’s about ratings and camera time

    nobody’s getting prosecuted, all is smoke and mirrors while the system remains broken

    they could give a shit about the common family squeaking by

    hannity brings in about $35m per yr for making noise

    even de blasio made him look dumb

  6. I’ve never understood Hannity’s appeal. Sure, he has an emotional attachment to the U.S. but not a good understanding of what makes the U.S. a great country and society (yeah, with exceptions). He just isn’t very bright; he’s a shallow and one-dimensional character. He gets by with energy (misapplied all too often) and a good staff of researchers and producers. Meh.

  7. Hannity is up against Rudy right now in the metro area, Hannity is on 710AM PM 3-6pm, Rudy G is on 770AM 4-6 pm and Gorrrrrrrka is on from 3-5PM 970AM, so LOTS to choose from.

    Hannity was good on radio before he got the TV gig, and was only good when Allan Colmes, a real old lib took him on. After that? Meh.

    Now that said, who else, but Sean, had Sara Carter and John Solomon, and many others to expose the Swamp since the beginning?? He is the one that gave them that air time both on radio and his show. He does deserve kudos for that in as much he likes to hear himself.

    He’s a good natured self made guy (@ Aaron Burr Long Islander). Yeah, he’s wrong here, and yes in a major way.

    Lastly, the guy endorses Black Rifle Coffee…anyone have a problem wit dat?!

  8. willysgoatgruff
    MAY 6, 2020 AT 11:13 PM
    “…Beware of the German side in combination with the Irish side. We forget nuttin’ but grudges….and some of us were German Jews with a grudge to hold…..”

    …I’ve got German, Irish, English, and Scots, so ALL my ancestors hated ALL my OTHER ancestors at ONE time or another…

  9. So Sean. When Gretchen starts to actually violate their 2nd Amendment rights do you want them to show up and protest with whirligigs so the “optics” will look better for bedwetting leftards?

  10. Fuck Hannity! I don’t watch his show because it’s just a follow up to the days news. I do watch Harris Faulkner and Bill Hemmer…they are the last of the true news reporters with an non-bias opinion on FOX!

  11. Sean Hannity’s mouth is the same as a duck’s ass – It moves all the time and nothing but shit comes out of it.

    Self aggrandizing douche bag extraordinaire. Phony conservative.

  12. The nice thing about Hannity is that you never have to worry about missing a program, as he repeats the same worn out rhetoric every damn day. Haven’t watched in several months, but I’ll wager he’s still on about Hillary’s servers and BleachBit.

  13. “No one should be attempting to intimidate officials with a show of force, and God forbid, something happens,”

    Those officials shouldn’t be intimidating the people the very same way either.

    Wonder what side Hannity would have been on back in April of 1775 when the Colonists were out at the bridge doing the same thing? Who would he have been warning then?

  14. Oh, FFS!
    All Hannity’s doing is offering a warning about escalating tensions.
    Thoroughly pissed (or drunk) and armed is a bad combination.
    Insurrection, Rebellion, and Revolution require cool calculations, not hot-headed un-coordination.

    If you go to peaceably assemble about your grievances, you don’t go armed.
    If you go to kill those who aim at tyranny, you go armed.

    Don’t confuse issues. Cops are armed so that there’s no question as to who will kill whom in any encounter. Gov’ts operate by FORCE – implicit or explicit – by FORCE – make no mistake about that. “Of the people, by the people …” blah, blah, blah … that shit came out in the middle of a fucking WAR! We were fucking killing each other because one group no longer wanted to be associated with the other.

    When we’re ready to Kill – and to Die – we should drag out our weapons – not until. The phrase “Saber Rattling” came from diplomats attempting to give each other unspoken threats. It’s largely derisive until dispositions are known and all the battle lines are drawn.

    I would like to see Whitmer dragged out and hanged – by the General Assembly – who pretend to represent the citizens of MI. Or by the MI State Police, assuming they’ve taken some kind of oath which isn’t an individual loyalty oath like: “One People, One Michigan, One Whitmer” (Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer).

    Sic Semper Tyrannis.

    But it must be generally accepted as tyranny.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Now that you’ve all had your Shit on Sean moment, think about this:

    Do only people like us (patriotic, pro 2A, fully operational bullshit detector) get to vote, or do they still allow moderates, soccer moms and Prius drivers to vote? There’s a percentage of these voters who vote Republican, and those votes matter. I have nothing in common with them. These people see open carry, and there’s no further thinking done on the issues.

    Open Carry – I’ll be nice here. What is the point of Open Carry? Why would you not opt for Concealed, in order to have the advantage of surprise over any Bad Guy? If your point is to put a scare into everybody who thinks guns load, aim and shoot themselves, Bravo. I almost suspect some of the Open Carriers in the protest could be plants from the other side, to make our side look scary to said Prius Drivers on a national scale. Even Superman didn’t walk around in his tights and cape all day long. Be the Good Guy that the Bad Guy never thought of as a threat. Still favor Open Carry? Please tell me why. Not being a dick – I want to listen.

    Protesting – I doubt any opinions have ever been changed by protestors wearing tactical gear. Although I’m a fan of the stuff, if you’re trying to affect the course of government and public opinion, at least dress like it.

    Sean does get repetitive on stuff, but he’s been one of the only allies President Trump has had in the major media, and I get his point.

  16. Sean talks over his guest’s, endless Russia Russia Russia garbage and call’s Dr Fauci his hero. I put him in the garbage heap along with Drudge awhile ago.

  17. This is the problem when a grossly uneducated person has too much air time and influence. He is fine in little doses with smart handlers to parrot off of but he is very Obamaesque if he goes off a rehearsed script. Sadly he is a victim of believing his own PR. Better to just report the news and not opine on it if you don’t know what you are talking about. Now about my education comment, what is even sadder is that all the years that Hannity has been on radio and TV reporting the news you would think that he would be an expert on the constitution and how the government operates and how taxes & the economy work but he still doesn’t know these tings very well. This speaks volumes in itself.

  18. He bugs the hell out of me when he talks over his guests. His penchant for showing us all how much he knows about a subject while lecturing an expert on said subject makes me wanna scream. The wife gives me the “look” when I get fed up and yell at the screen “would ya let them talk?”.

    Of course this is in addition to the irritation I feel when he endless ly talks about himself/drags himself into nearly every conversation. Yeah Hannity, we know your family is all doctors and you’re a ninja warrior. So STFU.

    Only reason I watch him is the quality of his guests. Don’t listen to his radio show. Tune into the rewind of Chris Plante’s show on WMAL from earlier in the day instead. Now THAT’S a guy who should have a tV show.

  19. Circular firing squad!
    I myself was about to jump in and start bashing Hannity because almost every time i’ve hopped in he truck while his show was on the radio over the past few days/weeks (who can tell anymore), Ive heard him advocating for “Just put on the mask and keep your distance. I do it.”. Maybe living in Rat York he has a legitimate reason to be wary of the virus. But the 3 deaths in Orange Co. NC are not even close to justification for the tyranny and fearmongering that has taken place!!!
    THat being said, after scrolling through the sea of nasty comments directed at Sean over this, I’m reminded why Conservatives/Republicans have the truth and common sense on our side yet we lose more elections than we win… Because we spend more time fighting each other than we do fighting the enemy!!!
    Good Grief!

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