Seasonal Flu Poses 4X Higher Risk to Schoolchildren Than Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Seasonal Flu Poses 4X Higher Risk to Schoolchildren Than Coronavirus


Just over 153,000 Americans have been recorded as having died from the coronavirus – and fewer than 200 of them were below the age of 25.

In the most recent week of data available, a total of 408 people between the ages of 15 and 24 died in the U.S., 5 of which were from the coronavirus. For the 5-14 age range the figures were 53 total deaths, zero from coronavirus.

While teachers unions and Democrats are heavily protesting reopening schools, the consensus among the CDC,  Dr. Fauci, and even Bill Gates is that they should reopen (whom I chose to quote because perhaps liberal will listen to them). When it comes to the risks children face at school, there are already far greater public health risks children face that we don’t keep schools closed for, and the disparity in potential harm isn’t even close. more

10 Comments on Seasonal Flu Poses 4X Higher Risk to Schoolchildren Than Coronavirus

  1. It is absolute insanity. Nobody is denying that this is a severe virus. But the response has been completely unconscionable: denial of successful treatments to the point of trying to prevent access to even the discussion; completely ignoring business impact, social impact, mental impact. More people are dying because of the response – but because their numbers aren’t voiced to the world nobody responds. Just insane.
    The one thing of value is that it has opened our eyes to the sheep around us. And the wolves.

  2. …so they will simply tag EVERY case of the flu as Coronavirus, the media and tech companies will shut down bad cancel anyone who says otherwise, and Fauchi will get the numbers he wants to shut schools down, cause mail-in elections, require everyone to take Bill Gates’ “vaccination” if they want to work, have food, and somewhere to live, and force us all to add stupid and useless goggles to our stupid and useless face masks that he has no intention of wearing just ’cause it makes him laugh…

  3. None of this is about preventing anyone from getting sick or harmed. So you can’t argue on that basis. Time to just form parent groups and do “illegal” home schooling.

  4. I want to see a graph of total weekly deaths in the USA (and each state) for each of the last five years in order to compare with 2020. Looking at only deaths reported as COVID isn’t accurate since of all the stories of ridiculous COVID diagnoses for things like car accidents, etc.

  5. Selective quarantine was the only sensible reaction to COVID-1984 (!)
    Everyone else: KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON!
    I can’t believe Trump bought in to this economy- destroying paranoia.


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