Season’s Beatings from Florida – IOTW Report

Season’s Beatings from Florida

SEASONS BEATINGS: Woman ditches toddler to jump into FL mall brawl.

American Mirror: The last minute shopping rush turned ugly this week when a number of women brawled at a Fort Myers shopping center.

Video captured by David Milburn shows about 5 women ganging up on another, wildly throwing fists at the Edison Mall.

As the scrum continues, a woman pushing a child in a toy car approaches to kick the victim in the face as she’s on the ground.

The boy in the car is thrown aside as the woman chasing the victim through the mall.

After she returns to the child, she picks him up to chase the woman through a Victoria’s Secret store.   MORE


A comment from the video-

Our Newfound black police chief in Fort Myers hasn’t even made a comment on this yet. Black crime has skyrocketed out of control since he has been placed as police chief. The one thing you won’t see in this video is how black lives matter.
SNIP: That poor little child


39 Comments on Season’s Beatings from Florida

  1. You can keep the “talented tenth,” now probably the “talented ten” and ship the rest to Liberia or just fucking pay them reparations in the form of one-way free trip and a million Liberian dollars. You cannot have a Constitutional Republic where the average IQ is below 100. Liberia is the best for which we can hope. The experiment is over.

  2. In my teens I learned something quickly. If you’re in the mall and you see a group of loud women, whether black, latino, or a mixture, including white, move on to the other side of the mall, quickly. Because within 15 minutes, there will be shouting, pulling of weaves and glittery fingernails flying everywhere. Sometimes for the dumbest of reasons. Some people love drama, and are not happy unless they’re miserable.

  3. I give her an 8 for technique on the the Kung-Fu side kick, but a -2 on creativity for failure to torque the kid around like a pillowcase full of hammers as a weapon.
    C’mon Quinosha, those babies you’re birrffin have other uses than just a welfare check!

  4. And all those negro women had a better day than you. They were alive while this shit was going down. Punching or getting punched. Hearts pounding, lungs straining, concentration focused on the fight.

    Fight Club is real. It just ain’t like in the movie.

    Somebody blocked the aisle in the grocery store and that was your miff of the day. These bitches engaged in unarmed combat.

    Guess who’s story I’d rather hear?

  5. lmao … actually went to that mall earlier this year & actually visited that same Victoria Secret store (She Who Must Be Obeyed was buying one of her friends some sort of fragrance that VickieSec peddles) … the mall was remodeling … good thing!

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