Seattle: Child kidnapping suspect has been arrested 105 times – IOTW Report

Seattle: Child kidnapping suspect has been arrested 105 times


A 47-year-old man charged last week with a violent attempt to kidnap a 9-year-old girl and break into a South Seattle apartment has been arrested 104 previous times in King County over the last 14 years, according to court records.

Seattle police arrested Randolph Neil Humiston on May 30th at 14th Ave. South and South Henderson Street after he allegedly grabbed and dragged a girl on a playground, according to charging documents. Prosecutors say the girl kicked and screamed at Humiston until he released her.

Ernesto Martinez, who lives a short distance from the playground told KIRO 7 he first saw Humiston when he broke into Martinez’s apartment while his family was having dinner.

“I never saw him before, but I saw him, and I yelled and chased him,” Martinez said. Seattle police say Martinez chased Humiston for several blocks until patrol cars arrived and arrested Humiston–for the 105th time since 2005.

“I told the police that if he actually took a little girl, they would be arresting me instead of that guy. I mean, I’m not going to let that happen.”

Court records indicate many times, Humiston was released within a day or two after being arrested, and he consistently listed his address as the Compass Housing Alliance in Seattle, indicating he is homeless.  more


h/t RWF

23 Comments on Seattle: Child kidnapping suspect has been arrested 105 times

  1. It’s Seattle, where the judges, prosecutors and cops have bigger fish to fry, like protecting Antifa from the Proud Boys or Patriot’s Prayer, otherwise known as White Supremists, the greatest threat known to mankind.

    In fact White Supremacy is so rampant across the country, it’s impossible to find white percale sheets for sale.

  2. These are the people and the incompetent police and courts that will force good people like myself to resort to vigilantism.

    If this scum touched one of my daughters he would be on a cold metal table that slides into a refrigerator.

  3. It’s a good thing for him that all this is happening in Gun-Free Zone Seattle. Otherwise he would have ended up buried in a Potter’s Field years ago.

  4. This is what you get when the DildoCrats close all the (insane) asylums, the inmates are running loose on the streets without their meds and electro-shock therapy.

  5. How come he’s not serving a life sentence at McNeil Island where they imprison the sex offenders forever like Kevin (AKA Fred Coe) Coe the notorious South Hill rapist in Spokane in the late 70’s? That’s one bastard if he’s ever released will be dead within a week and no one will shed a tear and the Police wouldn’t care either, some people have long memories.

  6. @Braden Lynch June 4, 2019 at 5:36 pm

    > These are the people and the incompetent police and courts that will force good people like myself to resort to vigilantism.

    If the police haven’t already forced you, nothing will.

  7. Holy Crap,
    I despise democratically run cities, organizations, counties, states or any other place that is under the direct control of ASSHOLE democrats.

  8. Over 100 arrests is not that unusual. I’m guessing many of them were for trespass, disorderly, retail theft, and the like. Jails are turning into B&Bs for the homeless, mentally ill, and drug addicted. And that Venn diagram has a high percentage of overlap.

  9. I think (?) that this guy was mentioned in the “Seattle is Dying” video… the perpetrator saw it as a badge of honor that he was in the top-10 List for arrests for Seattle’s law-breakers.

    Remember when the Democrats emptied all the mental institutions, saying that it was inhumane? Well, they put an inhumane pox on all the rest of us.


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