Seattle City Council Candidate Drops Out Of Race, Citing Harassment Of His Wife – IOTW Report

Seattle City Council Candidate Drops Out Of Race, Citing Harassment Of His Wife

DC: An Independent candidate for Seattle City Council announced on Wednesday that he is dropping out of the race, due to what he described as racial and sexual harassment of his wife by left-wing activists.

Christopher Rufo, a documentary filmmaker, made combatting Seattle’s “activist class” and “the ideologues on our city council” a central part of his campaign for election in 2019.

But the activists appear to have won.

“I had hoped that this would be a campaign of ideas, but I quickly discovered that the activists in this city have no interest in ideas. Since the campaign launch, they have harassed and threatened my family nonstop. I was prepared to take the heat, but unfortunately, they have focused their hatred on my wife and children,” Rufo told supporters Wednesday in an email.

“They’ve made vile racist attacks against my wife, attempted to get her fired from Microsoft, and threatened sexual violence. They have even posted hateful messages to my 8-year-old son’s school Facebook page. I know that as the race progresses, the activists will ratchet up their hate-machine and these attacks will intensify significantly,” he wrote in the email. more

12 Comments on Seattle City Council Candidate Drops Out Of Race, Citing Harassment Of His Wife

  1. This behavior becoming successful is going to spread, anyone that doesn’t agree lock step with the left is going to be harassed, threatened, and have their livelihood destroyed if possible. Who exactly are the racist fascists?!

  2. If I was going to take on that battle I’d ship my family off to someplace they couldn’t find them, I’d never mention family during the campaign, and I wouldn’t do it at all if I looked like a pussy. He lost all the way around.

  3. Seattle is a caldron of passive aggressive progressive haters pretending that they love and accept everyone-no matter what. They don’t.

    Sadly, I still love the area but the reason to stay long term is dwindling. For the industry we are in, it’s the place to be. I ain’t moving to California!

  4. PHenry and really enraged are correct.

    The liberal left is violent and will reap what they sow. Good people are getting sick of their antics. BLM and Antifa had better learn to behave or sometime soon they will get a response that will end them.


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