Seattle City Council Tells Trump They Don’t Want Troops to Help Law Enforcement as Unrest Continues – IOTW Report

Seattle City Council Tells Trump They Don’t Want Troops to Help Law Enforcement as Unrest Continues

Townhall: The Seattle City Council passed a resolution informing the federal government they will not allow federalized National Guardsmen or active-duty troops to be deployed to the city as protests and clashes with police continue.

“The Seattle City Council does not intend to request — and will never support — any intervention by the United States military forces or federalized National Guard,” Lewis said in a statement. “The City of Seattle categorically condemns the President’s statement threatening to use military force to address property damage or violence in any jurisdiction, such as the city of Seattle, that has not specifically requested such intervention.” 


43 Comments on Seattle City Council Tells Trump They Don’t Want Troops to Help Law Enforcement as Unrest Continues

  1. They have occupied 6 square blocks. Tell the cops to get the hell out of their and let a couple residents take care of the problem. First the residents should storm the Governors Mansion and then City Hall.

  2. Trump can send in troops where there is a violent uprising.

    Lincoln did that during the Civil War. US forces went to many states to quell the southern revolt.

    I want to see federal troops smack down the Antifa rioters in Seattle. Once Antifa has shut down parts of the city and call for armed conflict, they have crossed the Rubicon. They deserve whatever the Federal government dishes out to them.

  3. This is getting interesting. ANTIFA is streaming in from all over.

    Protesters Establish Autonomous Zone Around Seattle PD Building as Police Retreat

    Seattle protesters declare ‘cop free zone’ after police leave precinct

    Seattle City Council members vow to cut police funding by 50%

  4. It’s the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone! On Twitter it’s called CHAZ, like in Bono. Cool! It’s like Occupy Wall Street only with better coffee.

    This city has lost its mind. Today, the Seattle School Board had a hissy fit because the police and NG were staging at various school parking lots. Not anymore! They got the boot! Also, no more school resource officers for a year. That’ll show ‘em!

    Good heavens. I cannot imagine the morale of the police department. They all should just leave. No reason to stay where they aren’t wanted. Oh, they will be needed-but too bad so sad for Seattle.

    I’m embarrassed I live here. Don’t worry we are working on a plan to remedy that. 😡 Such a beautiful place ruined and inhabited by idiots.

  5. @ Illustr8r June 9, 2020 at 11:07 pm

    Seattle. It’s been like watching a slow motion train wreck for four decades now. Me thinks the film might speed up tonight.

  6. “Me thinks the film might speed up tonight.”

    I hope so. Give the assholes what they want. And then build a fence around it. We should be focusing on keeping them contained right where they are and not let them leave the city.

  7. @JD I look at all the various Seattle protest hashtags on Twitter. It’s creepy how organized they are. They track flight paths of Black Hawk helicopters, police scanners etc…It seemed like things were going to kick off last night “Proud Boys on the prowl!” but I think it was all fakery. The kids that harassed the Q13 reporter last night were AntiFa in their PJs not their head knockin gear.

  8. @ Mr. Hector Murmansk,esq JUNE 9, 2020 AT 10:58 PM

    When the call comes into the Whitehouse for help Trump should tell that they must be mistaken, he watches the news and the anchors keep describing what is going on as a peaceful protest.

  9. I was born not 1/2 mile from that exclusion zone and lived 12 years of my life about a mile from it.

    Seattle used to be known as the most ‘polite city’ in the country.

    Now it’s full of drug-addled, adult children and bratty kids who think they’re owed something.

    If I were the President, I would let it stew in its own juice and see if local’s can figure out what to do about it. It might happen. In my travels in King and Snohomish counties today, I heard ‘polite Democrats’ express common sense disgust at the situation.

  10. You could throw a bar of soap in the middle of it and 80% of them would run like hell. The other 20% wouldn’t know what it is, they have never seen such a thing.

  11. As fence-sitting as Seattle’s Liberal Democrat Durkin is, she also has an impulsive, vindictive bitchy streak. Piss her off and she could turn on the whole movement and have them shut down. She doesn’t need the City Council and the likes of Communist Kshama Sawant to do it. If things gets bad and she goes to war against the Antifa/BLM/Communist/Boomer-Hippie-Kids movement, she could find herself elevated as a local hero.

    It’s popcorn time in my back yard while the pustule grows.

  12. Antifa is classic misnomer, They are facist right through to the bone. They are mobs in similar clothing.
    They are easy to identify in a crowd. These loonies want the police to stop the criminal action, provide medical care, psycological counseling, social work, legal counseling and provide refreshments. What a crock of sheet that is.

  13. The natives are getting restless. ANTIFA up is up there with AKs now and reality is starting to sink in.

    “What was a beautiful moment yesterday has today been tarnished by destruction. When police left the area I was dancing in the street and felt free. Protestors occupied the space and a door for a unique opportunity of peaceful messaging arose. All I see today is destruction and disrespect for what once was our beautiful capitol hill neighborhood. All of the violence, gas and noise has been so harmful for all of the people and animals in the area. Now that we have occupied the space how can we do better is what the movement should be asking? Instead of redoing their own version of exactly what the police were doing. Its pathetic and Lame not to come up with next level. What we do should be something beyond! Superior to what they did and peaceful. Im no longer supporting this movement.”

    “This is about replacing cops with other “community security” forces who is a glorified mafia shakedown group”

  14. My son and his wife grew up in West Seattle. They don’t recognize it anymore. They now live in Grant County.
    My son works out of Seattle but generally not in Seattle.

    I just realized, wouldn’t ambulances going to Harborview from most of Seattle have to go through the Fourth Reich?

  15. “The Seattle City Council does not intend to request — and will never support — any intervention by the United States military forces or federalized National Guard,”

    ..hmm, seems like a number of Democrat-controlled cities that ALSO wanted to handle their Blacks themselves said something like this BEFORE, but they were a bit to the South and East of here and, also, it was 1860…

    …how’d that work out for them, anyway? What DID the Republican in the White House THEN do about it?

    …oh yeah, that…

  16. Stay tuned for the Battle For Seattle!

    Brought to you by George Soros, Barack Obama and the Democrat Party. And now a word from our sponsors…

    (Camera coverage resumes…)

    Popcorn here! Get your Popcorn!
    Hot Peanuts! Get your Hot Peanuts!
    Coke! Cold Cokes! (No Coke? Pepsi!)
    Starbucks! Coffee!
    Lattes! Get your Marble Mocha Macchiatos here!
    Frappuccinos! Get your Frappuccinos!


    Are those flashbangs or gunshots?
    Call the Police! There are peaceful demonstrators shooting people…
    He’s been shot!!

    Run! Get out! GET OUT! GET OUT OF THERE!


    (Out of breath…)
    The Seattle Police won’t pick-up. 911 operators are overloaded and not answering…

    We have total chaos down here. We need help!!! Someone please call for any kind of law enforcement!!!

    Stay tuned for tomorrow night’s episode of…

    The Battle For Seattle! (As the city burns)

  17. If our idiot green weenie, worthless Governor Jay Inslee had any balls he would call in the National Guard to quell this uprising, but I doubt that would ever happen. I don’t think that I will be visiting Seattle anytime soon for any reason.

  18. “The City of Seattle categorically condemns the President’s statement”, but it won’t denounce the violence? Hey, you voted for them, deal with it.
    By the way, go ahead and defund the police at the same time, let’s see where that goes.

  19. Spent many at year at Ft. Lewis, now JB Lewis-McCord. Loved Seattle back in the 80’s and early 90’s. Climate could get a bit depressing but the scenery, ambiance, dining was first rate.

    But like any parasitic infection Marxism slowly poisoned the host so that it is barely recognizable. The city is mortally wounded and will die like many cities as the well off use their capital to flee and take their business, businesses, and tax base with them.

    This has already happened decades ago when the rot set into predominantly black cities, has now spread to immigrant cities, and is infecting white liberal cities.

    Marxism is a vile, evil, Satan based belief system and literally kills everything it touches. It’s main ally Islam is an evil twin. Whatever city these fascist demons occupy will suffer and perish as the takers take and the makers flee.

  20. If the laws of the United States cannot be enforced there then the people are being denied a republican form of government as guaranteed by the constitution and is in a state of rebellion against the laws of the United States and is in a state of Insurrection.

    That’s the way I see it.

  21. And BLM/Antifa kids are walking around with loaded AR’s. Guess AR’s are fine if Communists open carry them, but not if encouraged by Conservative sheriffs (city of Snohomish) who get fired and reassigned.

    The level of bullshit in this State is so thick it’s like ocean fog.

    My military son wants me to leave the Soviet State.

  22. Kshama Sawant needs to be arrested immediately and tried for insurrection for willingly letting letting the protestors into City Hall. She should also be held without bail and her passport revoked so she can’t skip the country if somehow she were released from jail. She is truly a very evil woman who is intent on the destruction of not only Seattle but America as well.

  23. Well, Commietards, looks like you’re doing the full Bolshevik November Revolution thing. Of course, you’ve considered the old Maoist maxim, “Power flows out of the barrel of a gun.” Remember that question Joe Stalin always asked, “How many divisions does the Pope have?”

    So how many barrels do you have. The other side has 300 million. So you’ll enlist the police to collect them — Whoops, you’ve pissed off every cop in the nation. But I’m sure the Army will be willing to kill their own family members for you, right? Specially the way you’re treating General Mike Flynn …. Whoops again

    Gosh, what are you going to do in that last stage of the coup or the civil war that follows … because there’s always a civil war after the coup. Read your history

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