Seattle Councilwoman Calls for Protesters to Shut Down Trump’s Inauguration – IOTW Report

Seattle Councilwoman Calls for Protesters to Shut Down Trump’s Inauguration

Kshama Sawant tells protesters to …

shut down Trump’s inauguration.
Seattle protesters are vowing to shut down Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, encouraged by Councilmember Kshama Sawant.

You can hear her brilliant demand in a FOREIGN ACCENT – VIDEO HERE

Kshama Sawant is an American socialist politician, activist and member of the Socialist Alternative who sits on the Seattle City Council.

  • 1973 (age 43), Pune, India
  • Socialist Alternative (United States)
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44 Comments on Seattle Councilwoman Calls for Protesters to Shut Down Trump’s Inauguration

  1. what a racist and sexist she is!

    her having such views about an American citizen as she does, Trump is an American too, with American rights!

    what makes her views more valid than mine or Trumps?

  2. Seattle elected another woman equally as bad as what’s her face to replace Jim McDerrmont. She’s from India and a far left radical too. WTH

    It’s only a matter of time till she’s a Senator…ambition, hate and Microsoft stock options will take you far.

  3. There could be an argument made that she is inciting a riot however it would be hard to make it stick in a Seattle court. It’s a shame but cities like Seattle make with their anti-democratic direction are becoming the norm in the northwest. With luck a Trump Presidency will give heart to those conservatives left re to come out in the open to challenge leftwing racists like this hag.

  4. If you want the inauguration shut down, please lead a contingent of your filthy knit cap-wearing, history-retarded, social justice children yourself. I’d love to see you be treated like a criminal.

    btw, the Seattle folks who lost their jobs because of your minimum wage hike will also enjoy it.

  5. Interfering with a National Legal event as in inciting rebellion and fomenting terror sounds like lill missy Sawant needs to be on the HSA terror watch list, and any infraction whatsoever lands her before the new AG naming a special prosecutor and a full federal court indictment. Maybe that’s how they did things in India post colonial days, but this isn’t India. I hope California, Oregon, and Washington state do secede, then let them defend themselves from invasion. No help from the USA, no money, no food, no water…Tough titz, suck it up! I am certain beyond a doubt the Illegal aliens and the Chinese, and North Koreans will run in terror from them as they swing their purses and beads. All you IOTW faithful from there should move East. Welcome mats are out for you!

  6. Unfortunately I live in WA state. Far enough away from the Seattle sewer to feel safe. If I could get my husband to agree to move I would head to GA where I have family.
    The mayor of Seattle said the city would remain a sanctuary city despite a Trump Presidency. I pray that Trump will come down hard on Seattle and other cities that plan to go on as if laws don’t apply to them.
    The woman in the video needs to have a reality check and realize what country she has the privilege of living in and come to respect our Republic or go away.

  7. Ya know… I can understand the “We won, so suck it!” backlash. The contest was anything but gracious. But would giving them what they want, this time, be so bad? How about a live video feed, archive it to YouTube if you want, in The Oval Office: “Do you swear, or affirm…” yadda, yadda, yadda… “I do.” Take a seat. Announce that it’s “Time to get back to work.” Mic drop. Too little?

  8. @Anonymous, these enemies won’t be satisfied even if they’re given everything they demand. They’ll just demand more. Such tactics have worked for them so far and they’ll keep using them until they’re slapped down like the douchenozzles they are.

    And yes, they’re enemies. Threatening me or mine deserves 100% pushback. If you think for one moment they wouldn’t harm you or your family to get what they want, you haven’t been paying attention. Their ‘leaders’ certainly deserve payback, but the pawns’ ignorance of being used doesn’t excuse them from bad consequences – they CHOSE their path.

  9. Somebody needs to drag this miserable socialist wog-bitch up to the top of the Space Needle and toss her over. Should leave a nice shitstain on the road below. Geez, wayyyy too many psychos up there in the Pacific NW. Calling Dr. Frazier Crane!!!!

  10. Sounds like incitement to violence. How about arresting her?

    Regrettably she is likely too cowardly to lead a charge with her fellow socialist scum at the inauguration. Then we would be fully justified in opening up with crew served weapons and mowing them down.

    What gives me solace and keeps me peaceful is knowing that her damnation is assured. God punishes evil people like this (although she likely denies God’s existence…BIG surprise will occur for her later).

  11. Talk about not being counted….

    I live in eastern Washington State. Believe me the whole state does not side with Seattle.

    I would really love the state go to the Electoral College voting system. If you look at a nationwide county map, there are two major population areas above Northern Calif that went blue, Seattle and Portland.

    Our governor sucks, our senators suck, the Initiatives that are on our ballot suck.

    Suck = Green, gun hating, unconstitutional, min wage, bathroom sharing, carbon taxing, blm loving, acedemic, popular vote loving, Progs

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