Seattle ‘Crisis Responders’ respond to 911 emergencies – IOTW Report

Seattle ‘Crisis Responders’ respond to 911 emergencies

GP: Like many Democrat controlled cities, Seattle has a massive crime problem and a demoralized police force that is not nearly as big as it was just a few years ago.

Now the city is going to begin allowing unarmed ‘crisis responders’ respond to 911 calls.

This has ‘bad idea’ written all over it, even if these workers are going to respond to situations that are not perceieved to be life threatening.

A police officer never knows what they are walking into, and neither will these people. more

27 Comments on Seattle ‘Crisis Responders’ respond to 911 emergencies

  1. I see opportinity written all over this. Opportunity #1) Give squishy-degreed social justice warriors something to do. Opportunity #2) Let the violence thin the herd of said SJW. Opportunity #3) Give the vile scum something to keep them busy besides robbery, theft, drug use, etc. without distacting the useful first responders from real emergent activities.

    As previously suggested elsewhere: take off the warning lables and let things sort themselves out.

  2. An excellent though short lived way to get rid of some sloppy seconds weak sister limp dick commie social justice cretins in the city. Visualize the conflict resolution as the dainty, educated and compassionate post modern flower child meets up with the drug crazed sheboon who sees the flower child as ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’. Yikes, sorry, that flower just got picked. Oh well, try try again.

  3. This shit again? People are STUPID for tolerating this, and EVIL for doing this.

    …I used to be on the other end of 911 calls. From your phone to my pager. And there’s one thing I can tell you from that perspective that I’m SURE will come as a GREAT surprise to all you (/s), and its this:

    People LIE.

    …there are different reasons for this. Abuse victims want help, but don’t want their source of income arrested, or don’t want to “make them mad”. Abusers of adults, elderly, and children injure in a fit of rage and repent enough to call 911, but tell a different story than what happend (the infant “fell down the stairs” or “we didn’t know the bath water was that hot!”. Sometimes its even a trap (we had one that a guy set his house on fire, went to the other end and called 911, then lay in wait for a first responder, whom was a fire lieutenant he proceeded to shoot at. Happily his aim sucked and he misjudged the fire, so it had a happy ending). Sometimes they injure themselves breaking into a place and try to act like they own it. And some folks are just lonely.

    …And another kind doesn’t UNDERSTAND the severity of an incident. This can range from mistaking a heart attack for indigestion to not realizing the guy who shot you is coming back to finish the job, with stops along the way for people who think they can fight a house fire with a garden hose or don’t want you to know they were the ones that CAUSED the accident they called you for. There’s a lot of variation and a good dispatcher can narrow it down, but at the end of the day it is IMPOSSIBLE to gauge your response from what a 911 caller says.

    You can’t take ANYTHING at face value.

    …an old woman once asked why we sent ALL the firetrucks to false alarms. The short answer is that we don’t KNOW its a false alarm, and buddy you’d BEST treat it as genuine and bring the house party, or people can literally die if you lose that bet.

    We usually had cops go ahead of us. Luck of the draw, if they weren’t busy and were nearby, they’d go in first. They’d sometimes not do anything but be bored, other times they would tell us to “step it up”, and when a 20 year officer who I know isn’t easily rattled tells me to get there, I can make that 454 Chevy ambulance FLY, because he ain’t kidding and I KNOW it. They’d also occasionally disarm folks before we got there (occasionally missed something, different story for another day) or find out there’s a REASON someone doesn’t want to let you see the patient alone, so I will always be grateful for the times they assessed and defused a situation before my happy ass walked in with naught but a rescue holster and some oxygen.

    You CANNOT assess a scene over the phone. This has been proven time and again. “Street counselors” “Peace Ambassadors”, whatever the hell they call them have died before. Until you have eyes at the scene, you have no REAL idea what’s going on.

    So get there loaded for bear, and preferably with at LEAST one good guy with a gun. Its a lot easier to send the extra folk on their way. than need them and not have them.

    People suck. Always have, always will.

    Plan accordingly.

  4. They can’t refuse to hire me based on the way I look.

    So….I need a lawyer.

    I mean another lawyer, my lawyer, AndyBob….he’s kinda’ gettin’ tired of my shenanigans. But if anybody knows a lawyer let me know.

  5. Great learning opportunity. A bunch of brainwashed SJW can be boots on the ground to apply what they learned in a book. The ones that are murdered where they stand can then realize that everything they were taught was a heaping pile of excrement OR they can be proud that they were just trying harder than their fallen comrades and learn the hard way that luck will run out and they can join their fellow SJW in the choir invisible.

    Either way the nuts who killed the SWJ will have a multi million lawsuit on their hands (the city should have sent people who could have dealt with the issue so the nutball in questions needs money for his pain and suffering) and we have SJW who gave their lives trying to prove stupid theory are, well, dead. This is a win across the board and I for one welcome it. I also don’t live anywhere near the place- but those people who do voted for it so screw them sideways with sand in the Vaseline on top of it. (Just another win).


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