Seattle homeless encampment installs SWIMMING POOL  – IOTW Report

Seattle homeless encampment installs SWIMMING POOL 


Residents in an affluent Seattle neighborhood are outraged after homeless people set up a swimming pool at their encampment – which officials refuse to remove.

Homeowners in Highland Park – where the median house price is nearly $600,000 – say the addition feels like a slap in the face after months of voicing their concerns.

Video captured by KOMO shows one woman sitting on a couch next to the pool and smoking fentanyl in broad daylight.  MORE

16 Comments on Seattle homeless encampment installs SWIMMING POOL 

  1. Nobody in government gives a crap about real citizens or taxpayers because no one will ever hold them accountable. They will live fat, happy and free while the populace suffers.
    Exibits; Wray, Comey, Pelosi, Schumer, Sotomayor, Bidens 1-7, McConnel…..

  2. Yeah? Well effum. They voted for this. If the elections were held today they’d spend millions to get communists reelected. I got no sympathy for them. Effum.

  3. Move them all the the nearest golf course.
    I don’t golf, but it would be just like illegals at Martha’s Vineyard.
    I really want to put up a “We Don’t Call 911” sign.

  4. I noticed in different local groups I’m in on FB that if someone complains about crime increasing on homelessness and the way laws are not enforced any longer-guaranteed several libtards will reprimand that person about needing to show compassion.

    Those libtards will blame the cost of living on why people are living in the streets, rarely drugs.

    Often times someone who has recently moved away will comment on how happy they are since they left WA state. That reeeeeeallly ticks off the libs.

  5. care to bet the homeowners drive prius with coexist stickers? Have blm signs on the yard? were protesting the police? all voted democrat straight ticket? they really need to tone done the hypocrisy and join in the pool fun.

  6. Saying Highland Park is an affluent area of Seattle is almost like saying Watts is an affluent area of Los Angeles. Maybe a couple of steps ahead, but not more than that.


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