Seattle: Homeless Take Over Elementary School: Parents Terrified After Death Threats, People Robbed at Gunpoint – IOTW Report

Seattle: Homeless Take Over Elementary School: Parents Terrified After Death Threats, People Robbed at Gunpoint

“People broke into the school this summer,” Goodrich said. “We had an intruder and 3 lockdowns or shelter in places this school year. Prostitutes, rapes, assaults, visible shooting drugs, drug dealing, lewd behavior, sexual harassment and other fights in the encampment. Neighbors have received death threats, been robbed, had trespassers, even been robbed at gunpoint.”


A squalid homeless encampment attached to a Seattle grade school is a petri dish of bacterial pathogens, thanks to the scores of vagrants who are urinating, defecating, sleeping, doing drugs and having sex just steps from where kindergartners are set to begin school next week.

Despite outcries from worried parents and frustrated residents, local politicians and the city’s left-wing school board do not want the filthy shantytown to be dismantled, claiming that would be “inhumane,” according to Jason Rantz of KTTH-AM in Seattle.

A flimsy, see-through fence separates Broadview-Thomson K-8 School from the homeless camp. more

22 Comments on Seattle: Homeless Take Over Elementary School: Parents Terrified After Death Threats, People Robbed at Gunpoint

  1. I envy those who are dead and gone; they are better off than those who are still alive. But better off than either are those who have never been born, who have never seen the injustice that goes on in this world.


  2. Stomping heads flat IS an option. We had piss bums sleeping in the doorway of the Metro CO. I didn’t particularly care, but Vince did. Vince said, “If you are here in 10 minutes we are going to come out here and stomp your fucking heads into the fucking sidewalk. The time is 9:12. You have until 9:22”

    “Call the cops, motherfucker!”

    Vince stomped his head. Just once. Just a light crushing tap.

    “You have 9 minutes to clear out.”

    I was thinking, “Oh, shit, Vince, you can’t REALLY stomp them!”

    But I kept my mouth shut.

    When we went back down they were gone. It was a good lesson for me.

    I was young and not quite willing to stomp heads. Vince was all about stomping heads.

  3. Moved to Seattle in ‘87. I had never seen a more beautiful city or state. What is happening to it just makes me so sad and angry. Nothing stays the same I know-but why purposely destroy such a wonderfully unique place? Really, why?

    Progress…ives suck.

  4. This is a perfect metaphor for open borders on a small scale. When you don’t maintain your institutions, and fail to enforce basic law and order, you’ll get this chaotic, indigestible stew.

  5. Illustr8r
    AUGUST 12, 2021 AT 12:15 AM
    “…Nothing stays the same I know-but why purposely destroy such a wonderfully unique place? Really, why?”

    “Here we may reign secure, and in my choyce

    To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:

    Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav’n”
    -John Milton, “Paradise Lost”

    “…some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”
    -Michael Caine

  6. Who writes this stuff?! You really have to dig to find the name/area of the school they’re talking about! What’s so wrong about naming names?!

    I know this area very well — I had a job way up north of Seattle and this area was on my commute route for months. The Lowes and HD nearest me is also located on Aurora Avenue on 130th and Aurora and a little further south on Aurora, respectively. That little stretch of this main Seattle artierial (Old 99) is ground zero for the most blatant prostitution in the city. Those girls are out at 7a. for the morning commute (and the guys who go to Lowes and HD), strutting their “stuff” (and, boy howdy, it’s ALL out there). Cops? Don’t make me laugh. There are no cops around. Ever. I guess the druggy/indigent encampment was just a bridge too far for the homeowners and parents. Prostitution, fine. Illegal encampment, not so much. I guess one has to have some sort of values, right? They fail to mention that Igraham H.S. is also just a block east of all this filth on 130th. Where are those parents?

    Here’s the deal: This area also has one of the highest densities of “Black Lives Matter” and every other kind of Leftist claptrap signs. Hells bells! They don’t mind having a “church” a few doors down that flies the LBGTQ (etc) flag and a reader board that implied Mary was a member of #MeToo! But you wouldn’t want to offend the lesbian “pastor”, would you?!

    I applaud the efforts of those families who are taking the offensive. Pray for them.

  7. …uh, maybe someone ought to mention that the Seattle School District doesn’t own a damn thing that isn’t paid for by the good citizens of the city. The article mentioned the School Board threatened to sue a parent for passing out flyers on “school district property”. The illegal encampment with all its illegal activities are on that property. Ergo, the school district is harboring, aiding, and abetting all those illegal activities — major theft, prostitution, illicit drug use, public indecency, and so forth.

  8. Anyone who thinks that homeless is mostly an economic problem and doesn’t involve people who are too mentally ill to take care of themselves has never met an actual homeless person.

    Or they are lying.

    Anyone who thinks that if you just let insane people run free and provide for their basic needs and maybe a universal basic income and that they will become reasonable, rational, functional contributing members of society because everyone was kind and good has either never met an insane person, tried to reason with one, or have ANY understanding of what “insane” actually MEANS.

    Or they are lying.

    Or they are insane themselves.

    sure is easier to watch them and use them as pawns from a comfy, privately guarded, gated community far from where you casued the problem, with your own children going to private schools that also have THEIR own private security, as well as a police force thats fully funded and fully empowered to keep the riff raff under control and off your property, though, sure makes it easier to tell OTHER people to suck it up and quit being haters when its not YOUR children being attacked and YOUR wife being robbed, innit?

    it’s GOOD to be the Government, in ANY socialist system.

    the citizen, not so much…

  9. Borrow a page from PantyFag and #BurnLootMurder.
    Wear dark clothes, plain hoodies, face diapers, hard hats. Remove/cover all identifying marks.
    Enter at night, stomp, punch, whack, hit. Soak everything homeless owned with water/Clorox/soap.
    “Lather”, “rinse”, repeat.


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