Seattle in ‘Criminal and Humanitarian Emergency,’ Says Business Owner – IOTW Report

Seattle in ‘Criminal and Humanitarian Emergency,’ Says Business Owner

American Greatness:
By Eric Lendrum

A business owner in Seattle warned that the city is in the midst of a “criminal and humanitarian” emergency, as businesses all across the city are forced to shut down due to an ongoing rise in violent crime.

Bakery owner Olga Sagan spoke to Fox News after she closed one of her three Piroshky Piroshky stores in February, as the location on Pike Place saw multiple shootings and instances of drug use in the area. Sagan, who immigrated from Russia, first began selling traditional Russian pastries and other baked goods in Seattle in 1992. more

24 Comments on Seattle in ‘Criminal and Humanitarian Emergency,’ Says Business Owner

  1. Too bad assholes… You vote in communists in order to feel like you’re part of the cool crowd, and now you’re stuck with them because they will be counting the votes in every election from now on, you stupid, airhead fucks.

  2. This is the same city where people swore they would not call the cops and encouraged women to not report rape because of reparations, that the perpetrators were only getting their due so SCREW Seattle for what their residents have done to the Emerald City.

  3. When I lived else where, Seattle was my favorite weekend getaway city. Great food, beautiful views, tons of cool stuff to visit and safe. I’d usually stay downtown and come back after an evening out with a nice buzz. Many a time I’d take a stroll with my companion before heading to our room.

    I swear to God, the last time I was downtown, it looked like a scene out of Escape From NY. Druggies shuffling across streets or hunched over staring at their toes, piles of needles & crap and the ever ready criminals with their eagle eyes. Oh and no cops to be seen.

    Now I’m a ferry ride away, I could visit any day I want and have only gone through on the way to SeaTac. Thanks assholes.

  4. I used to be cheap and would walk from down around the ferry docks and walk up to the Kingdome to watch the Mariners play back in the 70’s thru the early 90’s. Not anymore, I wouldn’t be caught dead in that area day or night now and I haven’t been to Pioneer square which is right across the street from the stadiums in seemingly forever. And I haven’t been to a Mariners game in 5 years. On our honeymoon in Sept. 1977 my wife and I went on a last minute whim to a Seahawks game against the Baltimore Colts which cost us $11 each for seats in the nosebleed section of the Kingdome, it was the only Seahawks game I ever went to.

  5. We used to walk on the ferry in Bremerton and take the kids to Mariners games. The walk from the ferry terminal in Seattle used to be safe, and we did it frequently. It’s been at least 10 years now and I don’t see it ever happening again.

  6. On top of the occasional getaway to Seattle, one of my best friends lived there and I dropped in a number of times. She was a fellow glass artist so we had a lot in common.

    I don’t know the name of that part of Seattle but she lived in one of the many red brick warehouses that Seattle, unlike Denver, was smart enough to forbid being torn down. The last visit she was being evicted as that building was going condo.

    The similar type buildings in Denver that were torn down, like 6 or 7 full city blocks, remained vacant for several decades. Huge eyesores, just were used as parking lots. And OTOH that part of Seattle is gorgeous last I visited back in 00s, lots of galleries, off beat stores, nice places to sit for a bit.

    Such a pity.

  7. Well, the North Korean ICBM recently launched can reportedly reach Seattle, so it has that going for it. (You ask: the city or the missile? Choose all that apply.)

  8. It’s sickening how the destruction of progressivism is rampant and readily visible everywhere yet, it is still supported and even encouraged by numb-minded assholes.

  9. Oh brother! Seattle is STILL a delightful city! But, it’s a city! There’s no city the size of Seattle in this country that doesn’t have problems — either now or in the past.

    Joe6pak — The walk from the ferry terminal to the stadiums is still safe. Hell, there’s only about a gazillion other people walking with you from the ferry to the stadiums.

    I suspect the shop owner is airing a grievance that we are all upset about, mainly because Covid has cut down her business and she has to economize somewhere. Elsewhere, in towns large and small, small business has contracted because of the unequal and unjust restrictions made on them.

    So much more to say, but I can assure you all that Seattle this morning is sitting pretty under partially sunny skies; the birds are chirping and our world is bursting at the seams with flowers and blossoms (tons of cherry, plum, apple, etc.). I just came back from some errands at the edge of downtown proper and everyone is out walking, bicycling, driving — going to/from church, getting coffee, meeting a friend, saying “how do you do!”, smiling and enjoying.

    With the new restrictions on links I can’t post it here, but Ballard — a large neighborhood linked just north of downtown — recently cleared out all the tramps and their tents. I even see more police out dealing with obvious derelicts at bus stops, etc.

    And if people are so afraid of Seattle, why are our real estate prices continuing to rise?

  10. Seattle, Portland, San Fransisco. They’re all the same. Liberal voters spoon fed bull shit that still don’t realize that they are the ones responsible. They’re trying real hard to turn L.A. into a Liberal Shit Hole. Their Democrat Sheriff is fighting back to the best of his ability, including issuing carry permits. So then what happens? The Local Rag does a hit piece on him. I think the media needs to be dispatched first.

  11. AA, I don’t think it’s that people are so afraid of Seattle as much as it is that Seattle isn’t fun for people from out of town. As for real estate prices? There’s a lot of libs that seem to tolerate what Seattle has become, plus there are liberal billionaires that continue to provide high paying jobs in the Seattle area. Beats me what the draw is, but it’s not for me.

  12. You name it they give it to them its the free stuff that brings them here. Well over 50% of our home less are from out of state because Seattle is a easy mark. And they let their friends out of state know.
    Are police are almost 40% under staffed that is a big part of the problem,and catch and release, some of the guys they pick up have over 100 crimes on their rap sheet and back out the door they go.
    Its big business 10 billion dollars spent on the home less in the last 5 years and they want to throw more money at it doing the same thing. Most of the city workers make north of $125,000 per year. Palms are being greased, they don’t want the problem to go away too much money is being scammed from the taxpayer.

  13. This morning a car rammed my local WellsFargo trying to steal the ATM. I’m an hour’ish from Seattle. It’s problems are infecting the whole Puget Sound area.

    I go to West Seattle and SeaTac. That’s the only time I cross i90 anymore.

  14. Joe6 — Well, I’m not a lib and despite the politics I still enjoy a lot of things around here. Though, at our age now, we do less because most of the fun stuff is centered around families with children or young adults. That’s because that’s the demographic and money spenders in cities. I love where I live and it’s going to be a very tearful period when we hand over the keys to new owners. Nearly 45 years in this dump. We’ve been so blessed, though, to have been a part of this really great city when it was at its best. It’s what Seattle is, after all, that attracted so many people in the first place.

    You live out in the boonies and you love it. I grew up in a more rural area than you now live and I loved it, but really small, rural areas are hard for teenagers and young adults unless there is a family business to take over. There just aren’t enough employers to go around.

    I don’t get conservatives championing free enterprise but vilifying it at the same time. As much as I detest big tech’s politics, there’s no getting around how much they have contributed to Seattle. All one has to do is look back just a 30-40 years to the northeast and the southeast to see how changing industries like banking and insurance descimated the employment picture in those areas. Thriving cities and communities were wiped out in a few short years because of major changes in their industries. Same for the so-called “rust belt”.

    Someone upthread said that once a city is destroyed, people leave and don’t come back. Not true. The pendulum never stops swinging. Seattle, in fact, is a huge come back kid. Bussing caused enormous flight to the suburbs, leaving Seattle hollowed-out. When Boeing all but turned out the lights, same thing. Now the areas most stricken by these things are “gentrified” and real estate prices for these areas are the fastest growing.

    Frankly, I don’t get why fellow conservatives wish ill will on Seattle. There are a lot of conservatives living here who aren’t completely miserable every day.

  15. Heck AA, I know you’re not a lib. But it’s undeniable that there are plenty of libs in Seattle that are just fine with what they have accomplished. It’s a shame, and as you know, Seattle once was a special place!

  16. @AA I miss old Seattle and am thankful I got to experience the best of it in the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s. You are very correct about high tech and what it’s done for the city and surrounding areas. I’ve always felt that no matter the economy Seattle would weather the storms because of high tech. I love where we live, great weather and beautiful scenery. I know quite a few people who have given up though and have sold and left the area. We are hanging in there, even refinanced the house. I keep my fingers crossed that Seattle can get it’s sh*t together. I just don’t know at this point if it’ll be the place it used to be. If only…they’d stop voting for morons.

  17. Joe6 — Seattle, like every other city in America, is a microcosym of our country. It’s like saying that America deserves the federal gov’t we have now because of how “everyone” votes. But that’s not so. Not “everyone” — probably not even a majority — given the systemic corruption of our elections (which have been going on for quite a while, especially in WA), are responsible or deserving. The media in a city is just as leftist as the national media; the schools are run by the same types of leftist national DoEd types. And, as I said, cities attract the young who are by nature stupid, gullible, short-sighted and overwhelmingly progressive. I don’t know a single city in this entire country that isn’t on the same path as Seattle. And even rural areas are rife with problems because, like cities, wherever piles of tax money is winds up, you’ll find the grifters making the most of it — like the way fruit flies and sugar ants just show up out of nowhere. And that’s all I gotta say about that. 🙂


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