Seattle: Naked Man in Women’s Bathroom…And the City Can’t do Crap! – IOTW Report

Seattle: Naked Man in Women’s Bathroom…And the City Can’t do Crap!

popcorn smiley face

Louder with Crowder: Transgenders are the preferred protected class du jour for leftists (Read, Male Who Claims He’s a Woman Beats Up Women in Cage-Fighting for a Living here), and for some reason public bathrooms are the front line (watch Planet Fitness Allows Self-Professed Women to Use Any Bathroom they Want here). Step aside beaches of Normandy, there’s a new battlefront for the history books. Seattle for example passed a “gender rule,” that says men and women who claim to be the opposite of that can use any bathroom they want, and can’t be discriminated against. Because social justice.

So it’s no surprise this happened…

Seattle Parks and Recreation is facing a first-of-a-kind challenge to gender bathroom rules. A man undressed in a women’s locker room, citing a new state rule that allows people to choose a bathroom based on gender identity.  MORE


h/t Unashamed Domestic Dame

9 Comments on Seattle: Naked Man in Women’s Bathroom…And the City Can’t do Crap!

  1. I see one of the dirty motherfuckers anywhere near either of my daughters while they are showering I will personally treat the bastard to a hickory shampoo. And by that I mean I will fuck them up permanently, you can take that to the bank.

  2. @dapenguin I heard Andy Hill on local radio trying to defend his vote and it was pathetic. I really didn’t understand his reasoning for it at all- but he prayed on it- beforehand. This comment sounded insincere and a way to buffer the angry calls he was getting.

    WA state repubs are a sad lot. I joined a women’s group a few years back to maybe spend time with like minded ladies. Nope, they were all firmly establishment types. They hated the tea party and bashed them-liberally. I never went back but they still send me get out the vote emails to join them to phone bank for- Andy Hill- among others. Nope.

  3. The guy is doing everybody a big favor.

    I wanted to kick that woman in the face who said ‘but sexual assault is still against the lawwwww’. As if having men where children and women are nude even makes sense.

  4. You know, I was thinking about this issue as it relates to tourism. A smart tourism director could start a mighty fine campaign to drive conventions to cities that protect the sanctity of gender-correct bathrooms.

  5. With all due respect what good is the Bullpen if we post stuff a day earlier and it ends up here anyway? The Bullpen has really got to go. It’s not a bullpen if we constantly ignore it an bring in new pitchers.

    Also this from also after my Bullpen Post:

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