Seattle police officer speaks out against tyrannical rule – IOTW Report

Seattle police officer speaks out against tyrannical rule

American Thinker:

Carol Brown

As a police state rolls across America, former Iraq veteran and Seattle police officer Greg Anderson is speaking out.  Boldly.

Anderson posted a powerful video addressing his concerns about police officers following orders that criminalize Americans for going to work, going to the park, and so forth.

He places the Constitution above all else and says there is no reason or excuse for any law enforcement officer to be following orders that defy it.

He expresses uncertainty about whether officers who are enforcing these directives are in the minority or not.  Increasingly, he sees evidence that perhaps not.

He warns of blood in the streets if this continues, as Americans rise up in the face of tyranny.

He is angry and sounding the alarm.  And he challenges all police officers to take a hard look at what they’re doing.

27 Comments on Seattle police officer speaks out against tyrannical rule

  1. you knew he would lose his job for speaking against the deep state


    jeff epstein didn’t kill himself
    seth rich wasn’t killed by a mugger
    and hillary still test negative for president

  2. And as long as the unions control most police departments, it’s not going to matter. Just like Nazi Germany, and the East German Stasi, the rule of the day will be “I’m just following orders”


    If you just refuse to follow orders, the law has no effect. Politicians are rendered powerless.

    It’s the stupid police that give hand-rubbing politicians encouragement to pass more stupid laws and encroach on our Constitutional rights because the police are INCENTIVIZED to rack up as many violations as possible for promotion, courts, and helping the mayor balance the budget.

    Government helping government, and you are essentially unarmed to make any threats or give them pause for concern.


  4. According to “conservative” radio talk show host Lars Larson, cops are supposed to “follow the LAW and not the constitution”. As if the constitution isn’t the law.

  5. The constitution is written simple language, so even non-lawyers can understand it. The right to peacefully assemble, the right to worship, the right to keep and bear arms, no illegal search and seizure. There are no asterisks in the Bill of Rights.

  6. Sadly, I believe this guy is an outlier. I still approach any encounter with a cop giving them the benefit of doubt but one of my Rules of Life is NEVER call the cops. Ask me how I know.

    I don’t care if 2 armed gangbangers broke into your home & you killed them and you got it on video. Pull the p/u to the back, load ’em up and take ’em away. NEVER call the cops

  7. I am him. Minus the military service. I have been in Law Enforcement for 20+ years. Now I am a detective.

    Most of the “old timers” feel this way. They will not enforce unconstitutional orders. But, at my department, we may be outnumbered and overruled by the younger generations and the admin…..

  8. My heart weeps for what has happened to this country.
    Oh how the mighty have fallen!
    Righteous indignation is an understatement!
    Fear the silent man, for while others spoke, he watched.
    And while others act, he plans.
    And when they finally rest…
    he strikes!

  9. Speaking of tyrannical rule, I went to the local transfer station for my weekly “dump run” and was met by safety cones, Sheriff’s Deputies and attendants demanding to see state issued “ID” in order to gain entry. When I asked what this was all about I was told it was due to “people from other counties” dumping their trash in this county. Now my truck has a county sticker and when I asked how they knew the trash was from other counties I could tell I asked a forbidden question. Are they going through the trash in the containers? I haven’t seen any license tag readers there. What next, ID to buy groceries?

  10. WDS Not groceries here in Seattle yet but want to go out to eat.
    Phone number email and name.
    Just so you all know this guy is a Port of Seattle cop not part of the Seattle department.

  11. Port of Seattle police are bound by a rule that they cannot be armed when going onto the docks. That is part of the Longshoreman’s Union agreement.

    I used to know a former Seattle officer. He had a friend on the Port Police. If there was someone with a warrant the Port officer would calL the Seattle officer. The Seattle officer would go armed onto the dock. He inevitably be met by a shop steward who would challenge the Seattle officer about being armed.

    The Seattle officer would say. “Wrong department, but I do have room in my car for two.”

  12. He’s no outlier. He’s not a cop anymore either. If you want to follow him on Instagram he’s at granderson33. Apparently he and his training pardners are breaking local and state laws by training together, breaking the social distancing criteria, and not wearing masks. His message to them is “My Fitness is a priority over your fears”.

  13. granderson looks like he is shape! I think I’d be better off with a K9 taking me down than him. Not that I need or anticipate being taken down, I’m just saying it looks like he could hurt a guy.

  14. @ Answerman Cooper


    I have been an outspoken critic of this whole bag of nonsense since it started. So far, I have not been in trouble for speaking my mind. Of course, I don’t have Facebook, Instagram or any other social media and I don’t record myself while on duty.

    I think most (not all) of the frontline cops are against this bucket of BS. It’s the admin, who answer to the mayor or City Manager that are going along with it.

    When push comes to shove, I think a lot of cops will side with the citizen. At least, that’s my hope anyway.

    I know I will.

  15. muddjuice

    It depends on the agency. If it’s rural, like my county, the Sheriffs department will be on our side. If it’s L.A. county you are screwed. They have their officers all set to follow any illegal order they give.

    I’ve met a lot of these young vets. They’re all impressive men. The Military make men. They also must teach a course in the U.S. Constitution because every one of them I meet knows it and values it.

  16. muddjuice

    I know 8 LEO that have retired or taken early retirement from Sacramento Sheriffs Department. Like you, true Patriots. They tell some scary stories. You are the guys that should have gone up the ranks and in charge now.

  17. @ Bad

    You’re right. The problem is, guys like me are too opinionated and are not “liked” by the brass, especially for promotion.

    The ones that get promoted are the ones who play the game and kiss butt. I’ve never been willing to do that, hence the lack of promotion.

    Add to that the thought of going back down to the bottom of seniority. Add to that the fact that you have to change friendships with coworkers to effectively lead…….

    No thanks. I’m content where I am. Plus I can retire in a few years and do something else. Sooner if this all keeps up.


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