Seattle Radio host mocked Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters wrecked his apartment building – IOTW Report

Seattle Radio host mocked Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters wrecked his apartment building


[…] He was defending criminals before but he’s “[r]eally angry right now.'”

He and his cat ventured out after he witnessed a fire roaring three blocks away. Story

28 Comments on Seattle Radio host mocked Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters wrecked his apartment building

  1. Get this. Kind of related.
    This morning, Richmond VA mayor is claiming that the violence and destruction in his bleep hole city is being perpetrated by White Supremacists.

    That’s rich.

  2. When i’m getting angry over all of this, i try to remember these things. That these idiot libtards are hurting themselves more than they are hurting us. It softens the pain just a little bit.

    Liberals will be living in unlivable cities in the not too distant future.

  3. I have this vision of the 7th Air Cav flying in formation towards Portland while

    blasting “Ride of the Valkyries” over loud Speakers… Lt. Col. Kilgore leans

    over towards President Trump and says..

    “The Troops love it, and it scares the shit out of the Kooks”

  4. Hot town, summer in the city
    Don’t know why Drumpf says everything is shitty,
    CHAZ gone, isn’t it a pity
    Doesn’t seem to be a riot in the city
    All around, peaceful demonstrating
    Walking with the mask on, not intimidating

    But at night it’s a different town
    There’s Starbucks, burning down
    My apartment’s right right upstairs
    Me and my cat can’t go back there…

  5. How do you take a cat out to a riot? Do you put it on a leash? This soy boy works 710 Sports radio, home of the Mariners and Seahawks. I think every announcer on that station is now a vocal lib. Sports are damn near over for me.

  6. Thirdtwin
    JULY 27, 2020 AT 10:14 AM

    …very, very well done, and good memory, too, thanks, you win today’s Internet!

    …for those kids who may not know the source material, this…

    “Hot town, summer in the city
    Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty
    Been down, isn’t it a pity
    Doesn’t seem to be a shadow in the city
    All around, people looking half dead
    Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head

    But at night it’s a different world
    Go out and find a girl
    Come-on come-on and dance all night
    Despite the heat it’ll be alright”
    -The Lovin’ Spoonfuls, “Summer in the City”

    …weirdly still appropriate, but could be modernized by changing “Go out and find a girl” to “Go out and find a boi”

    …or, in HIS case, “Go out and find a CAT”…

  7. Two characteristics of progs in play here.

    1) The worthless Goddamned subhuman pieces of shit get off on destruction. Don’t ask me why, I have some thoughts on that but have not developed them to the point that I can articulate on that subhuman personality trait coherently yet. I just accept the fact that they get their rocks off by destroying what others have put their life energy into creating.

    2). The worthless Goddamned pieces off shit are sociopaths, I think they call it aspergers or something like that. They are absolutely unaware or able to comprehend suffering of others. Unless and until it affects them personally, they either don’t give a shit and/or they are programmed to respond affirmatively to increased innocent human suffering.

    Seattle is home to critical mass of these worthless subhuman pieces of shit. Once they achieve critical mass they make it pretty hard to ever restore the place to a civilized state.

  8. I would not assume that either this delicate, little boy or his cat have actually learned anything! He never said anything about antifa. For all we know he could be blaming Conservatives and Trump for all the unrest! They eat that shit up hook, line and sinker!
    Besides, he wouldn’t want to upset his “friends”!

  9. @Gonad the Barbarian
    JULY 27, 2020 AT 9:31 AM
    “Liberals will be living in unlivable cities in the not too distant future.“

    No, they are already invading the suburbs and rural areas.


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