Seattle Strikes Back – IOTW Report

Seattle Strikes Back

The Pacific Northwest Antifa Wars Are On.

8 Comments on Seattle Strikes Back

  1. Go Seattle! Beat Portland!

    Two bits, four bits, six bits a dollar,
    All for Seattle, stand-up and holler!

    Okay, you can holler, but rioting, looting and assaulting police officers and citizens is preferred.

    C’mon! Sing along with me!

    The bluest flies you’ve ever seen are in Seattle,
    And the shit’s the greenest green in Seattle,
    Like an Antifa kid, throwing up with COVID,
    Full of thugs and full of slobs, full of gangsta’s, full of mobs,
    Full of crime to last the years in Seattle,
    In Seattle!

  2. Free the mall!

    Free the mall!

    What, are we now living in 1984? Not the book, the actual year. I guess this is what it sounds like when doves cry and all the babies are on board.


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