Seattle’s City Hall Park remains closed after costly damage from homeless encampment – IOTW Report

Seattle’s City Hall Park remains closed after costly damage from homeless encampment

Post Millennial:

Since last August, Courthouse Park, also known as City Hall Park in Seattle has remained closed following the clearing of a notorious homeless encampment whose occupants were responsible for multiple violent crimes.

The city originally said that the park would be closed for 2-3 months, but more than seven months later, the park remains fenced off and closed. On Monday, Seattle Parks and Rec. told The Post Millennial, that the re-opening was being delayed another 60 days due to “seeding” and “rat abatement.” However, the park is overgrown and no work has been seen at the property for weeks.

Seattle Parks and Rec. communications manager Rachel Schulkin said City Hall Park would remain “…closed to the public at least through April 5. As we approach that date we will determine if an extension is needed. We have been doing restoration to the park, and will continue into the spring.” It is still closed. more

8 Comments on Seattle’s City Hall Park remains closed after costly damage from homeless encampment

  1. Give each of the homeless a map and directions to each city council members home, and invite them to camp on their lawn. Provide a shuttle service to facilitate the move.

  2. Worst part is, the people voted for this and once the COMMUNIST, sorry, democrat party took complete control of the vote counting process the people will never be able to vote their way out of it. One can be reasonably sure that a significant minority of the people who virtue signaled their way into this mess are now ready to very quietly back on out and get back to a more reality based government. Unfortunately you can vote your way into SOCIALIST TOTALITARIANISM but you have to SHOOT your way out.

  3. @FJB April 6, 2022 at 12:05 pm

    > All leftist bureaucrats want to be paid for doing nothing, while repressing those who pay them.

    And those who pay them, want to wave a flag.


  4. Virtually all of NYC’s parks are overrun by liberal former elites meth-heads, skels, and homeless. Add that the recent “accident” of a NYC subway train claimed to have hit “metal” garbage on its tracks was actually the bodies of homeless who live in those tunnels with whole families and their pets. Hidden and covered up low-level local media NY1-Spectrum News and fake conservative HHS-bribed NYPost.

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