Seattle’s Gun Tax Backfires: Gun related deaths double – IOTW Report

Seattle’s Gun Tax Backfires: Gun related deaths double

COTR: Wondering how to handle a delusional gun control activist like a total boss? Watch and learn.

Tucker Carlson interviewed gun control advocate Mark Glaze and questioned him on Seattle’s completely ineffective gun tax. (That’s right– Seattle actually implemented a $25 tax on firearm purchases and an additional $.05 tax on every round of ammunition.) The gun tax was supposed to reduce gun violence, and– SHOCKER– it didn’t work. Firearm-related deaths actually doubled, even though firearm sales dropped. Oops.

“I’m merely noting the obvious, which is the gun tax didn’t make the city any safer,” Carlson said. “What’s the point of any of this…if it doesn’t make the city any safer? That’s the whole point. Right?”

Glaze argued that everyone KNEW the “gun violence tax” wouldn’t actually stop gun violence. It was about research. Duh. Tucker completely called him out on that BS, and I love him for it.  MORE

11 Comments on Seattle’s Gun Tax Backfires: Gun related deaths double

  1. Guy tries to buy himself some credibility by saying that his dad was a gun dealer and he grew up shooting guns.
    I need to get a bigger BULLSHIT flag.

    And then he goes on to say that semi automatic weapons are assault weapons.

    I own many weapons that fit that category and so far ted lenndy’s oldsmobile has a higher body count than I do with all my scary assault weapons.

  2. I carry an evil GUN every day. At least 3 time a week while standing in a grocery store line or coffee shop line I’m standing next to some obviously liberal, woman/couple/snowflake man. Sometimes with their little robot kids in tow. I always laugh a little thinking if they knew how close they were to loaded firearm. Truth be told if something bad were to happen I might be there only hope of surviving,

  3. Ol’ Blinky just can’t stop blinking while lying, can he? What orifice did Glaze pull his “statistics” from in regard to American gun owners willing to participate in a gun confiscation?! Good job Tucker!


    Avoid the whole BULLSHIT system of paperwork, taxes, and accountability.

    If illegal immigrants are legal, so is our constitution.

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