Seattle’s mayor tried to fight white privilege with a soda tax – IOTW Report

Seattle’s mayor tried to fight white privilege with a soda tax

RAP: In an effort to woo the extreme-left, Seattle’s Mayor Ed Murray is planning a soda tax to fight white privilege.

The original soda tax plan was a two-cents-an-ounce tax on soda sweetened with sugar which would be used to pay for education costs especially in minority communities. But, critics pointed out that mostly minorities and low-income households would have to pay for it, because white people drink diet drinks, reported The Seattle Times.

Under the scrutiny of minority activists and small business owners, the embattled mayor insisted that it was more regressive for minorities living in Seattle to be stuck in failing schools. Looking for a compromise, he found a way to make more white people pay the sugar tax and contribute to minority-majority schools.
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21 Comments on Seattle’s mayor tried to fight white privilege with a soda tax

  1. I don’t like the headline. I read it earlier, yes there was complaining because ‘white people buy diet drinks’, but apart from the idiocy of the tax itself there is no investigation of one’s ethnicity to determine whether to tax. And if anything it is just taxing whites on a par with others.

  2. Gee, I wonder if this idea came to him as he was reminiscing about the good old times he had with the van, the bags of candy and the puppies he kept in the back while he just kicked back and trolled, er cruised, er, leisurely spent summer days driving through neighbourhoods. Why is this guy still in office, where’s the recall movement?

  3. This is a joke story, right? No one would be this stupid. People would just go outside of Seattle city limits to buy soda and energy drinks at a much lesser cost, resulting in less revenue for the city instead of increasing revenue.

    In economic terms, soda is a pretty elastic product – meaning that the higher the cost, the less demand. The merchants will understand this, and either reduce their prices to keep sales up, or resign themselves to less sales of this product. This is particularly true when consumers can obtain soda fairly easily by stocking up outside of the taxing jurisdiction.

  4. I guess targeting taxpayers by race isn’t covered by “Equal Justice Under the Law” in Washington?

    Can you imagine the hue and cry if he had suggested a special tax on chitlins?
    Or grape drank? Or skittles?

    Klown needs to be dragged out and hanged.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I hope this faggot mayor is in for one term, only. And I hope some of his victims are successful in getting him a jail term. He’s a disgrace and an embarrassment. But, deep, dark blue Seattle will consider his unlawful activities a resume enhancement.

  6. What’s wrong with an employer head tax, Mr. Mayor? Everyone that works for a “private” company costs their employer a certain amount, just for working. Disproportionately falls on minorities? Show me the numbers.

  7. Oh, and don’t forget: just like “sales” tax, if you live in Seattle, but work for an employer outside Seattle’s reach, you have to pay the “lost” revenue, yourself. It’s only fair.

  8. Those who espouse White Privilege are engaging in “Cauc-Envy”. In this case, however, I’m pretty sure you can substitute Cauc with a word eerily similar.

  9. Rumors are he’s not going to continue with his reelection campaign because of the rape allegations are starting to stick. Whatever silly thing he legislates will get picked up and passed by the next Lib that’ll get elected-no worries Seattle!

  10. Santa Fe just voted on the exact same tax last week and it was defeated 60-40%.

    I’d hope that the Seattle-ites are just as smart, but I know better. There, it may very well pass “for the children!”

  11. If he really wanted to help blacks he’d make them pass drug, alcohol, and tobacco tests before getting any form of welfare. They claim they can’t find jobs but don’t have any problem finding tattoo parlors, bling stores, planned parenthood, or obama phones.

  12. A tax on sodas sweetened with sugar? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..Seattle STILL loses. Most sodas today are sweetened with corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), NOT sugar. Ergo, no tax to collect. Libtard fuckers.

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