Sebelius Clams Up – IOTW Report

Sebelius Clams Up

The head of HHS was slated to testify before a Senate committee next week but is reportedly refusing to appear.

The House is also eager to speak with Sebelius about all those folks who missed their first premium payment last month.

Read the article on Senate committee  here and on the House here



13 Comments on Sebelius Clams Up

  1. I can see it now, Lerner, Sebelius, Lurch and Killary all being hauled before the House and invoking the Fifth.

    And the congressional black caucus and the just-us brothers and the media would all scream racism.

  2. Ever notice that Frau Sebelius and John Kerry are never in the same room at the same time?

    I’d wager that photoshopping Sebelius’ white witch wig onto Kerry’s melon would be quite revealing.

  3. It doesn’t matter what kind of photo of her I see, or even simply seeing her name in print, she always reminds me of Margaret Sanger. Maybe it’s the insufferable arrogance and condescension.

  4. She needs to be hauled in front of Congress by subpoena and reminded that her salary was paid for by the American taxpayer–the same taxpayers she screwed over by delivering a +$600MM P.O.S. website that didn’t work and that still doesn’t have a payment module.

  5. People who “missed” their first premium payment? Please. They were never meant to pay anything, it’s more communist bullshit to Cloward & Piven 1/6th of the economy into government control.

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