Second man charged with capital murder in shooting death of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes in Houston – IOTW Report

Second man charged with capital murder in shooting death of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes in Houston


Breaking 911: HOUSTON, Texas — Harris County Sheriff’s Office homicide investigators have filed a capital murder charge against Larry D. Woodruffe, 24, for the Dec. 30 shooting death of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes.

Jazmine’s mother was driving Jazmine and her three sisters southbound on the East Sam Houston Parkway feeder road near Wallisville Road at approximately 6:50 a.m. on Dec. 30 when they were fired upon by someone in another vehicle.

Investigators identified Woodruffe and Eric Black Jr., 20, as suspects based on a tip. Subsequent investigation revealed evidence that corroborated the tip, and both men were taken into custody on Jan. 5 in East Harris County. more here

25 Comments on Second man charged with capital murder in shooting death of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes in Houston

  1. Blacks killing blacks! Say it ain’t so Joe! Whatever happened to Black Lives Matter and I Have a Dream? Oh, that’s right whitey made them do it just like they have for the last four hundred odd years and counting!

  2. Momma needs to go in the slammer.
    While this has dropped off the radar, one little fact about the case really peeves me-
    The mother knew the shooter. They were friends on fakebook:
    “Is Abc13 aware that the alleged shooter and the victim’s Mother are friends on Facebook? Shooter is Fan Eric and victim’s Mother is Porsha Washington. …”
    and she is still walking around in open society, free as a bird.
    which one of the two arrestees is the ‘baby daddy?’ That’s gotta be next.

  3. Wait a minute. So is this the same shooting where the character art was totally a white guy, but turned out to be a black guy?

    And this guy’s last name is…

    If so, ahahahahahahahaahahahahaha! I’m sorry if it isn’t, I just see, 2nd guy and a feral mugshot and just assume. I’m so white, I know.

  4. “Second man charged with capital murder…”

    I have a problem with this.

    ONE person fired the gun that resulted in a death. I am aware, several states have legislated that ALL involved in the crime bear equal burden.

    I do not agree with this. I find it sloppy, lazy, too big a net to cast for the State, which has unlimited money and power to investigate, to do this.

    Justice should be narrow and harsh in these circumstances. We already have methods in place to address accomplices. We’re feeding trial lawyers here and we need to address that.

  5. Russian hackers colluding with President Trump cracked into the perp’s phones and installed a stealth app that hypnotized them into shooting a little kid.

    — expected “news” narrative arriving any moment —

  6. Lowell, I disagree. Unless the driver did not know that the shooter had a gun, and the shooter took it out and started firing to the total shock of the driver, then the driver is just as involved in the murder as is the shooter. If the driver did not want anything to do with the killing then he should not have been there. If he weren’t driving the car, the killing would not have taken place as it did.

    This also gives leverage to get the driver to talk. If he tells about the shooter, the driver will more than likely plea-bargain down.

  7. @RadioMattM:

    We’ll have to disagree, but that’s alright. From your stated line of reasoning, I can make the case that the FFL vendor that sold a lethal weapon knew it would be used to take a life.

    Non trigger pullers are bystanders or witnesses. Unless they are physically restraining the victim to be shot. Complicity by being in physical proximity in a criminal act is not the same as committing that act.

    It may be a crime, it is not the crime of taking a life. This is latitude given prosecutors they should not have.

    I doesn’t trouble me to disagree with you. And certainly doesn’t anger me. This is just our difference of opinion.

  8. Beaumont, Texas is eighty miles east of Houston and is becoming Houston’s Mini Me. This afternoon, three dindus burst into a large grocery store in broad daylight and robbed the place with an AR-15, a shotgun and a pistol. Customers were everywhere and one of the dindus knocked a little girl out of the way to get to the service desk where the money was. I used to shop there years ago. I never go into Beaumont unarmed. EVER!

  9. @Hambone.

    I stopped at Beaumont last spring for a night. I did not like the looks of that place at all, plus, it gave me a really bad vibe. Got out of there quick the next day. But I was armed.

  10. Lowell, I don’t think that applies. There are legally sanctioned defensive purposes for the firearm. In the case of the driver, he was specifically there at that specific time so that he could aid in the commission of that specific murder. There is no nebulous connecting of the dots. It is not a case of, “Well, somebody MAY use that gun to commit a crime therefore the manufacturer should he held responsible.”

    By your logic, a mob boss who orders a hit on somebody should not be charged with capital murder because he did not pull the trigger.

    In Canada, first degree murder is generally the charge only when there is a specific plot to commit the murder. If someone commits an armed robbery and, say, the victim fights back and gets shot and killed, the robber may face only a charge of manslaughter. In the US he would be charged with first degree murder. If the guy does not want to be charged with first degree murder then how about he not commit the armed robbery in the first place.

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