Secret Service Agent Abandoned Post Guarding Trump To Breastfeed – IOTW Report

Secret Service Agent Abandoned Post Guarding Trump To Breastfeed

A female Secret Service agent abandoned her post to breastfeed a child right before former President Trump’s North Carolina rally Wednesday, Real Clear Politics’ Susan Crabtree reported.

The site agent, in charge of security for the entire event, found her breastfeeding her child in a room that was supposed to be set aside for Secret Service “official work,” five minutes before Trump’s motorcade arrived, according to Crabtree.

The woman, who came from the Atlanta Field Office, was in the room with two other family members, Crabtree reported. more

36 Comments on Secret Service Agent Abandoned Post Guarding Trump To Breastfeed

  1. Motherhood is a full-time job, the most important one a woman can ever take on, and should be treated as such.

    You need to give 100% to raising your child.

    You need to give 100% to your sworn duty.

    You dont HAVE 200%

    Do the math, then do one or the other.

    You cant do both.

  2. I ENJOYED staying home to take care of my own babies.
    My husband’s cousin’s wife was a teacher and just had to keep working, well their daycare left their infant in an infant carrier on a counter and it fell off and the poor baby died! Tragic accident just so she could pursue elem teaching/and or so her husband could pursue his own job. MS. magazine always promoted finding a daycare with constant articles, Gloria Steinem and her crew on the wrong side of everything!!!

  3. Okay, but we need a content report.

    Where they perky and firm? Or baggy and soggy?

    Were they squirting voluntarily (out of control, as it were)?

    Was there enough milk to go around?

    Was there a camera in the room so we can check out the teletitties?

  4. SNS, which is why I ended my career to stay home with our son. I took maternity leave and went back to work while my husband took paternity leave then we took opposite shifts but ultimately decided on what was best for our son.We had to downsize our house and move to where it more affordable and had economize more. Totally worth it.

    There was pressure from some people to continue working (which I ignored)and it was and the right decision for us and the public I served.

  5. If not for DISINFORMATION our government has nothing to say.

    About most everything.
    They’ve falsified economic reports, agriculture reports, EVERYTHING about military involvement overseas (that USED to be important and necessary–when they used to be virtuous), drug safety & public health, crime–both perps who walk free and LE that works against the public, a weaponized dept of education ….

  6. What’s the big deal? I remember when the guys at the Strategic Air Command underground headquarters used to leave the gold telephone, used to communicate with the POTUS in the event of orders to launch a total nuclear retaliatory strike, unattended so they could go have a swim at the base gym. I mean, really, what were the chances that those orders would come, anyway, right?

  7. Also, in New Jersey, a female secret service agent had to leave her post after she shit her pants. She should be reassigned to Joe Biden’s detail. Benny Johnson has the details.

  8. DEI
    — damn the employment criteria, qualifications, or choosing the most Qualified applicant.
    We want overweight, unqualified, breast feeding women on SS details who are unable to holster their weapon.

  9. “A female Secret Service agent abandoned her post to breastfeed a child” why did the reporter feel the need to inform the reader it was a female breast feeding? They are just feeding into the BS gender propaganda

  10. Women with children are not fit to be SS Agents in the first place. The job requires being willing to take a bullet to protect a stranger. Mothers have a higher priority and cannot psychologically do this. Neither can most women. Numerous studies show that they hang back in combat. Okay on defense, shitty on offense or taking risks. And, by the way, similar affliction has been found training female police dogs, who in situations of danger won’t go forward as readily because they want to keep an eye on and become overprotective of handler.

  11. And let me add, for an yone who doubts this, because “breast feeding” isn’t the half of it:

    When is the last time you read a news article about some WOMAN jumping into a body of water or running into a burning building to save a stranger.

  12. Women worked overtime back in the day to achieve equality.
    Since then the definition of what a woman is has changed. Maybe the employment laws should change also.

  13. Agreed, MrLiberty and dee. DEI, the warped socialist policy completely denies the differences and distinct role of men and women. God created men and women for particular purposes to maintain and prosper the world.

    Men are God designed primarily for combat, task-oriented as provider and defender of the family. Leader and organizers of societies. Also, capable of compassion and love.

    Women are God designed primarily for nurturing, caregivers, help mates to men, organizers of community market places and professions (that DO NOT involve physical confrontation/conflict) which support communities.

    The traditional family is the foundation of the world. This must be reestablished in the United States as the sustaining platform/foundation for the country.

    Demented policies – allowing on the job “female” breast-feeding SS agents is a symptom of a collapsing society, straying from in this case, a solid Godly foundation.


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