Secret Service agent next to JFK during assassination challenges official narrative – IOTW Report

Secret Service agent next to JFK during assassination challenges official narrative

JTN– Former Secret Service agent Paul Landis, who was feet away from President John F. Kennedy when he was assassinated in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, is coming forward with his version of events that challenge the official government narrative. 

Landis, who struggled with so much trauma in the aftermath of the assassination that he left the Secret Service, is publicly telling his full story for the first time after more than six decades, The New York Times reported Saturday.

Landis, 88, had always believed that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in shooting the president. Without elaborating further, Landis said: “At this point, I’m beginning to doubt myself. … Now I begin to wonder.” MORE

25 Comments on Secret Service agent next to JFK during assassination challenges official narrative

  1. Nobody questioned the presence of the bullet on the gurney?
    Either they were too busy trying to hide the truth or they should never have been in law enforcement due to utter incompetence.

  2. This year it will be 60 years since JFK was assassinated (it was the day before Thanksgiving 1963) and it will be at least 15 more years until the records about that day will be released to the public (supposedly), we’ll see. I’ll be 85 if that happens and nearly everyone who has a memory of that tragedy will all be dead by then or very old. I was 10 and in 5th grade when my teacher broke into the classroom just after lunch and told us the news that JFK had been killed. The whole world and our country changed and none for the better that day and for the next 4 days it was wall to wall TV coverage on the 3 networks of the assassination and its aftermath.

  3. how about this: grains of lead removed from gov connelly’s ass more than grains missing from the pristine magic bullshit slug? no problem for blowjob-hoover.

  4. What conspiracy theory hasn’t come true at this point?
    btw: Now you know why the left created a crime wave: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken

  5. I was wrong about Thanksgiving Day in 1963, it was actually a week later on Nov. 28, it’s been 60 years and hard to remember the exact day. All I know is that we became a different country and culture from that day forward since it was a watershed moment in our history.

  6. Thirty+ years ago I made a friend. When he introduced himself to me because our boss sent him to me to address a problem, rather than exchanging pleasantries I asked, “Who killed Kennedy?” Instead of asking, “Which one?,” he queried, “Who cares?” Of course, his reply applied to JFK as well as RFK, so I instantly admired his ability to kill to FKs with one stone.

  7. jfk & rfk had some asshole/pedocrat characteristics, but gubmint was & is mostly comprised of lying motherfuckers who are there to enrich themselves & shit on the peasants

  8. clint hill, not landis was assigned to guard jackie k. landis was in the car behind the jfk car. lots of bullshit flying around in drat publications. dicksucker greer had his foot on the brake while jfk was getting shot to shot, contrary to his warren testimony.

  9. Kennedy was shot from the front. the kill shot came from the front and blew his head backwards and blew a piece of his skull onto the trunk of the car. you can see this right in the zapruder film.

  10. .crap shot in the marines
    .buys mail order rifle from shit-cago, could have walked in to any tx store for something good
    .scope mounted for lh shooter, lho was right handed
    .rifle had to be shimmed before it be used for testing
    .guv experts unable to replicate “shooting” during tests
    .fbi obtained palm? print from his body @ funeral home after lab-tunas were unable to get a print from rifle
    .calmly drinking coke within seconds of shooting

    it was lho! blow me

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