Secret Service Agent Recalled From Clinton Detail In Bulgaria After Altercation In Hotel – IOTW Report

Secret Service Agent Recalled From Clinton Detail In Bulgaria After Altercation In Hotel

Balkan Press

A Secret Service officer assigned to protect former President Bill Clinton during his visit to Bulgaria was recalled from the country because of “an off-duty altercation with hotel staff” according to a report from ABC News.

The purpose of Clinton’s visit to Bulgaria earlier this month, as announced by the Clinton Foundation, was “for a convening of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).” While there, the former president promised to work to expand U.S. corporate influence in the country. Bulgaria has been a target of globalist forces such as the Clinton Foundation as they attempt to quash the considerable opposition to the European Union and the globalist agenda in the country.

A Secret Service spokesperson told the media, “On May 10, a Secret Service officer assigned to support protective functions on an overseas trip to Sofia, Bulgaria was recalled to the United States by the Secret Service after an off-duty altercation with hotel staff. A second employee who witnessed this incident was also recalled. The individuals were removed prior to the arrival of the protectee, and our Office of Professional Responsibility has opened an internal investigation into the incident.” MORE

9 Comments on Secret Service Agent Recalled From Clinton Detail In Bulgaria After Altercation In Hotel

  1. He was trying to retrieve a ‘dress’ stained by BJ Clinton from the hotel staff (Wonder if he threatened to use his Government Issued AR-15 Assault Rifle on them)!

  2. “Bulgaria has been a target of globalist forces such as the Clinton Foundation as they attempt to quash the considerable opposition to the European Union and the globalist agenda in the country.” People need to unite agains’t the “globalist forces” before it is too late. And right now Trump is the only one who can make that happen.

  3. Generally speaking, SS guys are arrogant, asshole bullies who use their SS-ness to steal, rape, extort, and intimidate.

    Some Bulgarian maid (or porter) probably refused his advances and he threatened her (or him).
    (not that there’s anything wrong with that – but Bulgarians may take it otherwise)

    Bulgaria is just a generation from being a country full of murderous psychopaths.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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