Secret Service agents arrested a woman with 2 Chinese passports after she reportedly lied to agents and gained access to Mar-a-Lago with malicious software – IOTW Report

Secret Service agents arrested a woman with 2 Chinese passports after she reportedly lied to agents and gained access to Mar-a-Lago with malicious software

DC: Yujing Zhang, 32, arrived at a Secret Service checkpoint Saturday afternoon outside of the president’s club in Palm Beach, Florida, while President Donald Trump was present.

She told agents she was a member of the club and coming to use the pool, The Associated Press reported. Zhang reportedly successfully gained entry to the club after showing the passports to an agent, according to court documents.

The manager of the club reportedly thought Zhang was the daughter of a member of the club and granted her entry. Secret Service reportedly asked her if she was related to the family the manager was speaking of, but that they could not understand her English.

When she entered, Zhang told Secret Service she was there for a United Nations Chinese American Association event that did not exist. After she showed agents an invitation written in Chinese, agents told her she had to leave, because the event she was speaking of was not taking place.

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12 Comments on Secret Service agents arrested a woman with 2 Chinese passports after she reportedly lied to agents and gained access to Mar-a-Lago with malicious software

  1. “After she began to argue, agents took her into a room for questioning, where agents realized she could speak English.”

    Lying sack of $hit. If she isn’t a citizen, deport her now at her expense. Mess with her head on the way to the airport. Ban her from ever coming back into the US. If she is a citizen, put her on the no-fly list. Make her life miserable. Confiscate her passports. Why does she have 2 of them?

  2. Tip of the ice berg folks.
    And then there are Russians,Arabs,Israelis,
    Indians and Pakis in deep cover.Obungo choomed
    up and had sex with 3 of them homo Paki dudes.


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