Secret Service Agents Swarm Joe Biden as Pro-Hamas Protestors Interrupt Campaign Event – IOTW Report

Secret Service Agents Swarm Joe Biden as Pro-Hamas Protestors Interrupt Campaign Event


Joe Biden on Tuesday participated in a campaign event at the Hylton Performing Arts Center in Manassas, Virginia.

Dr. Jill and Kamala Harris joined Biden Tuesday evening.

Pro-Hamas protestors interrupted Biden’s campaign event more than a dozen times. His campaign event was a total dumpster fire.

Biden looked around lost as protestors shouted “Genocide Joe!” MORE

24 Comments on Secret Service Agents Swarm Joe Biden as Pro-Hamas Protestors Interrupt Campaign Event

  1. I keep seeing posts on FB that if Trump wins there will never be another election, that he will eliminate them.
    The people who believe that will vote for Biden, while holding their noses. Of course the people who believe that have blinders on. But they hold onto those blinders, refusing to remove them.

  2. …in fairness, he IS committing genocide, but against the American people, not 7th century murderous raping savages; so they are not wrong in label, but only in target.

    All indications are that Pedo Joe loves him some raping, murdering savages.

    They have a lot in common…

  3. Demented Grampa Kiddy Sniffer musta been wearing a pork chop to attract that group!
    There might well have been more media and SS people there than in that “crowd”… just like before!

  4. Thirdtwin – Desparate Dems Do Desparate Things! You can almost smell the flop-sweat from here! Yes they are on thin ice, which means they are going to pull out all the stops to retain totalitarian power.
    In other words, we’ll be lucky to see an election or Tump in an “election”

  5. Nolan Parker.
    WEDNESDAY, 24 JANUARY 2024, 10:09 AT 10:09 AM
    “My Gaawd! What a horrible job. Imagine being expected to put yourself in harms way to protect THAT POS.”

    …They are corrupt Communists too, just like him. Probably have to rape children as a condition of employment as well to keep the omerta going.

    That way they can’t say anything when HE rapes kids.

    …Besides, never forget that some openly, publicly said they would not honor their oaths to protect President Trump if it came down to it. He’s gonna need to fire all THEM, too…

  6. aircubed
    WEDNESDAY, 24 JANUARY 2024, 10:46 AT 10:46 AM
    “Biden would have made up a story about his childhood in Palestine.”

    C’mon man, no joke! Growing up, Moshe Dayan was one bad dude…

  7. Anonymous
    WEDNESDAY, 24 JANUARY 2024, 12:14 AT 12:14 PM
    “The sad part is he survived.”

    …he will until the Party decides he will serve their purposes better dead than alive.

    Then the tanks will roll on American streets…

  8. SNS
    Excellent points. Such good points my guts twisted up, realizing just how right you most likely are. The blackmail, threats,bribery and Don’t forget, as you pointed out, the Willing to participate,, the damned HAPPY to participate..

  9. The sad part is he survived.

    Hey… Chuck e. Cheese supplies pretty good Animatronics… although, they are admittedly, still working on that whole mean, pig-eyed, senile, slack-jawed drooling meatslapper, stuttering old fart thing!


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