Secret Service Apologizes to Massachusetts Salon Owner for Breaking into Shop to Use Bathroom – IOTW Report

Secret Service Apologizes to Massachusetts Salon Owner for Breaking into Shop to Use Bathroom


U.S. Secret Service agents taped over a security camera and broke into a Massachusetts salon in order to use the restroom ahead of a recent Kamala Harris fundraiser, the business’s owner has complained.

Alicia Powers, owner of Four One Three Salon in Pittsfield, told Business Insider that she closed her business for the day on July 27 at the request of the Secret Service due to it being behind the Colonial Theatre, the venue where Harris was speaking. 

She said that agents had already been to her salon earlier that week to survey the area for security purposes, but did not expect them to return after she had already locked up the building.  more

35 Comments on Secret Service Apologizes to Massachusetts Salon Owner for Breaking into Shop to Use Bathroom

  1. She ought to demand better training concerning the US Constitution and agent behavior.
    They seem to live by the sarcastic saying, “Better to ask forgiveness than to ask for permission”. Typical out of control govt agency.

  2. …soooo, if I REALLY need to pee, I can bust into any random business, tape over the security cameras, and avoid any jail time if I apologize when caught?

    …that would seem to be the precident here.

    It just SEEMS like B&E SHOULD be a criminal offense except in an emergency, and “potty emergencies” dont count.

    …you know, if “nO oNe Is AbOvE tHe LaW”…

  3. …I used to break into buildings for ACTUAL emergencies, but even THEN there were rules. There had to be an immediate hazard to life or property, we had to document who made entry (which we did anyway for other reasons), and we were responsible for the property until the emergency was over and the breach was secured. We not only had to account for our own people, but deny entry to anyone else for the duration.

    Oh, and we never covered security cameras either.

    Because we werent doing anything we shouldnt have been doing and so didnt have a guilty conscience about it…

  4. …there WAS one time I thought about breaking character though. We had a garage fire in a “tuck under” garage, where the living area is immediately over the car storage (not recommended, especially with EVs), and as there was flame impingement on the floor above we did have to verify the fire had not started in the living area. It was unsurprisingly smoky in this when we made entry and we were in full SCBA doing our search when suddenly the telephone rang.

    I REALLY wanted to pick it up and, with the Darth Vader breathing apparatus thing going on tell them the party they were trying to reach was currently unable to come to the phone, but I resisted as it would serve no purpose and make light of a personal tragedy.

    And also I would have been justly sacked for it, as we were forbidden to touch ANYTHING not related to the emergency, and it was also made very unambiguously clear if we removed anything we WOULD be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    Because we were in a position of public trust, and needed the community to be ABLE to trust us.

    Does not the Secret Service consider themselves in a position of public trust?

    Because they SURE as HELL arent earning it, if so…

  5. This simply illustrates very well the mentality of our government. They can, and will, do anything to common citizens that they want to do and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it. Similar things occur daily, some with tragic results, perpetrated by local and Federal agencies. Illegal search and seizure, entries for surveillance purposes, breaking down doors and serving sometime incorrect warrants aren’t unusual. Freedom and privacy is simply an illusion.

  6. geoff the aardvark
    Monday, 12 August 2024, 8:31 at 8:31 am
    ‘SNS, that was one of my favorite episodes of Animaniacs ever.’

    …classic Animainacs were great. They were genuinely funny and spared no sacred cow and can still make me laugh today, althogh the pop culture references may be a little dated now.

    They tried to bring it back, but it came back woke. No thanks.

    But I still love the old ones.

    Communists have no sense of humor.

    The first casualty of modern warfare is the funny bone, because everything offends someone…

  7. Funny, if I did that, it’d be a B & E charge. But the USSS had zero problems with breaking into a private business; so democrat mucky mucks could have a nicer place to take a shit.

    The arrogance of the feds knows no bounds.

  8. geoff the aardvark
    Monday, 12 August 2024, 8:31 at 8:31 am
    “SNS, that was one of my favorite episodes of Animaniacs ever.”

    …you’ll also notice that Wakko’s troubles START when he finds the men’s room out of order so decides to use the women’s room, only to be forcibly ejected because he isnt a woman.

    Try making that TODAY.

    …of course, its less of a problem in some places than others now.

    The Animaniacs ARE canonically in CA after all, so he could probably let loose on the sidewalk in front of small children now, no problem, so the premise of the episode is broken due to ThE wOrLd We LiVe In ToDaY…

  9. SNS, the best episodes of Slappy Squirrel were with Bumbi’s mom (Bambi officially became Bumbi) after watching that hilarious episode and Slappy and her nephew Skippy parodying Abbott and Costello’s classic Who’s on first skit with their making fun of rock concerts by asking Who’s on the stage? Yes.

  10. If no one is getting fired and/or prosecuted, then an apology doesn’t mean shit. Seriously, someone needs to lose their job and do jail time over this, as a warning to out-of-control government employees everywhere.

  11. My next younger brother was traumatized by watching the Disney version of Babes in Toyland from early 60’s with the talking trees and had to drink warm milk so that he could sleep. Darby O’Gill and the Little People, Sean Connery’s first movie with the banshee’s was also scary when we were small kids.

  12. In Massachusetts, ANY federal or state agency could kill puppies and babies across the state, and the voters here would continue to vote for the people who ordered those actions.


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