Secret Service Breaks into Massachusetts Hair Salon and Tapes Over Security Camera, Allegedly to Let People Use the Bathroom During Kamala Fundraiser – IOTW Report

Secret Service Breaks into Massachusetts Hair Salon and Tapes Over Security Camera, Allegedly to Let People Use the Bathroom During Kamala Fundraiser

GatewayPundit: Secret Service agents reportedly invaded a Massachusetts hair salon without permission, violated the business owner’s privacy, and taped over security cameras while securing the area for Kamala Harris’s recent fundraiser.

On July 27, the Four One Three Salon in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was forcefully entered by Secret Service agents ahead of Kamala Harris’s first in-person fundraiser since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee, the Business Insider first reported.

The salon’s owner, Alicia Powers, had already complied with the Secret Service’s requests by closing her business for the day to accommodate the security needs of the event, which was being held at the nearby Colonial Theatre.

“They had a bunch of people in and out of here doing a couple of bomb sweeps again — totally understand what they have to do, due to the nature of the situation,” Powers told Business Insider. “And at that point, my team felt like it was a little bit chaotic, and we just made the decision to close for Saturday.”

However, what transpired next left Powers feeling violated and betrayed. According to Powers, Secret Service agents took it upon themselves to enter her locked salon, use her bathroom, and tamper with her security cameras—all without her consent. more here

14 Comments on Secret Service Breaks into Massachusetts Hair Salon and Tapes Over Security Camera, Allegedly to Let People Use the Bathroom During Kamala Fundraiser

  1. “…a female Secret Service agent taping over the lens of a Ring security camera..”

    I figured as much before I looked. And I’d be willing to bet that all of the other agents who squatted at the salon were also women. Not giving them the benefit of the doubt after July 13th.

  2. So what we have a Constitution. Big deal, it’s not like the Secret Service or any other agency under the Biden Admin (or now Harris/who-knows) has to conform to the Constitution. Joe Biden already proved that with the student loan forgiveness.

  3. it would be nice to see all the violations of the Constitution prosecuted……i think that should be Trump’s first priority……

    for instance, “sanctuary anything” is not constitutional…if you won’t obey federal laws, you are a criminal enterprise….

    at the same time, the federal government itself is a criminal enterprise….

    now what do we do?

  4. The left have no use for a strong intact nuclear family, White males are their main target because they have the largest number of traditional families – father, mother (both straight and no pronouns) children taught Godly principles, individualism, entrepreneurship and national pride in their country. A strong defense against Marxist ideologies KamalMao and Lock Step Walz promote.

    Marxism has already fragmented and destroyed most black American families. Many black American fathers are neglective and not in the home with their children and unmarried to the mothers. What the left is working on for white American men.

    Broken families leaves children vulnerable to socialist indoctrination by the State, replacing the father and subjugate the mother. This is exactly the objective of KamalMao and Lock Step Walz’s regime.

  5. Oops, wrong thread. ^^^ Still proof the State has no regard for American citizens. Gestapo tactics are the norm for the Shadow government Secret Service. Demwits deserve this kind of mistreatment – their rights stomped on by black booted government thugs.

  6. Just an example of what would happen if the regime manages to steal the election for her.
    They don’t need no stinkin’ Constitution or law.
    I’d sue and press charges.

  7. What a great business Gateway Pundit has! Strip mine somebody else’s article and repackage the essential material under the guise of “reporting” and thus skim off the advertising revenue rightly due to the original source. Then do it again and again and again.

  8. @chuckie – “now what do we do?”

    Abolish the “Corporation of The United States” which is completely unconstitutional and revert to our original, limited Constitutional Republic.

    For starters.

  9. They keep talking about government transparency and openness, all the while hiding everything behind classification and ongoing investigations. Tjey stonewall FOIA requests for years, and they harass those who dare to ask. They put tracking devices on your vehicles, but would prefer to have the devices attached to you. They take your property through asset forfeiture and eminent domain, or they occupy it in the name of national security, as they did woth this salon.

    Speaking of “occupy” they let their allies, henchmen and fellow travelers occupy whatever public and private property they wish, to create no-go zones and destroy it with little to no consequences. But you dare to peacefully protest against any of this, and you are thrown in jail for years without a trial and stripped of your property by government lawyers. If you dare to assemble anyway, in private places or in churches, they’ll phony up a disease to strip you of that right.

    And the demons at the top of the Democrat ticket are good with all of the above. But they themsrlves hide, except for when they’re begging for money, because they have a right to privacy and avoidance of scrutiny as candidates—I mean, Democrat candidates—for public office. And their slavering conniving media zealously protects that right.

    The government can invade your comfy beauty salon, or they can avoid your steep, hot rooftop. It all depends on their whims, not whether it is right or necessary. There is no consequence for their actions, only endless reshuffling of the deck which is stacked against you.

    I hope this makes waffling, diffident people mad enough to vote for PDT even if they were planning otherwise, even though the Democrats have also f—ked that all to hell, but it’s all we have until the shooting starts in earnest. The knock, or no-knock, is coming if the left pulls off their scheme. Be ready to answer.


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