Secret Service calls out The Atlantic for Fake News – IOTW Report

Secret Service calls out The Atlantic for Fake News

Breitbart: The U.S. Secret Service lashed out at The Atlantic’s Washington editor at large for a series of Tweets officials said were completely false.

Steve Clemons, Washington editor at large for The Atlantic, began a series of Tweets on Thursday claiming that Secret Service manager-level personnel were forced to resign and were escorted out of the Old Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB).

Over the course of the next hour, Clemons continued to Tweet the erroneous information and included statements he attributed to Secret Service managers.

Breitbart Texas reached out to the Secret Service who confirmed they contacted Clemons via Twitter advising him his story was not accurate. “His story was false,” Secret Service Spokesman Joe Casey told Breitbart Texas in a phone conversation Friday night. “It was not Secret Service personnel who were fired or escorted out of the building.”

It appears Clemons was in a rush to get his story out before confirming his facts because he had a plane to catch from Tokyo to Washington, D.C.


8 Comments on Secret Service calls out The Atlantic for Fake News

  1. Years ago, a local TV station news crew had the slogan, “First, fast and accurate”. You probably had a news crew in your town with the same slogan. Now it’s part of the MSM motto, “First fast and accurate: 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.”

  2. Who cares about accuracy? What is vital the the mindless, feckless, guileless, spineless, gutless Left these days is whether or not the screed is damaging to DJT.

    The Fourth Estate: R.I.P.

  3. If he failed to correct the tweets when notified pull his press credentials (or if he doesn’t have any pull the Atlantic’s Washington Bureau’s as a whole) for a period of 6 months. No appeals, no questions just pull them. It’s going to be a very exciting period in Washington and a news magazine without access is a magazine in trouble. The media will soon learn to check their facts before reporting them. You could kill “fake news” overnight as well as cut down on biased reporting, well at least a little.

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