Secret Service destroyed video evidence of Biden’s dog attacking agent—White House tours stopped to clean up the blood: report – IOTW Report

Secret Service destroyed video evidence of Biden’s dog attacking agent—White House tours stopped to clean up the blood: report


The Secret Service destroyed video evidence of President Joe Biden’s dog attacking and biting an agent in the White House. According to reports of the incident, the White House had to stop tours in order to clean up the blood on the floor. 

The Daily Mail filed a Freedom of Information Act and reported on the incident that took place on June 15, 2023. The email made mention of the biting video involving Commander and an agent. It reportedly showed the dog running at and attacking the agent, leaving a deep bite on his arm that “reportedly needed stitches,” the email read. “East Wing Tours were stopped for approximately 20 minutes due to blood from the incident being on the floors in the area of the Booksellers.” more

15 Comments on Secret Service destroyed video evidence of Biden’s dog attacking agent—White House tours stopped to clean up the blood: report

  1. All the oceans of all the world and all the oceans of all the possible worlds cant wash the blood of the innocents that Pedo allows to be slaughtered in his name from his hands.

  2. The Biden clan are crackers. Crackers are what they are. Kind of like other groups that it doesn’t matter how much money they have, you can take them out of the jungle, but can’t take the jungle out of them.

  3. Another thing, those who cast legitimate ballots for the dirty bastard did so because of what he is, not despite of what he is. Any doubt anyone had regarding what the bastards were was immediately removed once the alphabet agencies and main stream media began saying that everything that was being exposed was disinformation. Soon as that began it was good as confirmation that every last word of it was true.


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