Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Transfers Power Hours After Return to Hospital – IOTW Report

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Transfers Power Hours After Return to Hospital

GP: The Pentagon announced Sunday evening that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin transferred power to Deputy Secretary Kathleen Hicks hours after being hospitalized Sunday afternoon with suspected bladder issues. The Pentagon had initially said Austin was retaining the powers of SecDef in an earlier statement. more

21 Comments on Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Transfers Power Hours After Return to Hospital

  1. He’s dead Jim…
    He’s been dead for a month now, the body double ain’t working out and they need to save this farce as best they can.
    Next week, we will hear he dies of complications.

  2. Hey Joe
    If you need a new SECDEF
    Alexandre Vindman is available
    And you won’t lose power with a twin backup
    He has extensive DC experience and a Ukrainian Passport
    They say he’s a tireless fundraiser
    However, they also say he Double-Dips all the time
    Just FYI Joe

  3. remember when he was wearing the face shield during the covid fiasco?
    betcha he was undergoing cancer treatments then, and the shield was because of a compromised immune system from the therapy
    he is deceptive and he needs to be retired

  4. Oh lookey, the guy discovers he isn’t living forever and his time is short. I believe this is the same type of cancer King Charles has, he knows his time is short. Both are jabbed…..whose next? Didn’t we lose a young country and western singer here recently? Already forgot his name…. cancer got him too.

  5. Looks like he’s got the bug.

    Well, bye …

    Drop his carcass in a dumpster and be done with it (unless it’d kill that rats that eat it).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. ATTN 99


    They still got the HOSPICE trick like with John Lewis and company. Remember that one? I do.

    We need a strong SECDEF


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