Secretary of Defense Mark Esper greenlights $3.6 billion for 175 miles of border wall – IOTW Report

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper greenlights $3.6 billion for 175 miles of border wall

WA EX: Secretary of Defense Mark Esper informed Congress on Tuesday he authorized $3.6 billion to be reallocated from military construction projects to be used to build more walls along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“Based on analysis and advice from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and input from the Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of the Interior and pursuant to the authority granted to me in Section 2808, I have determined that 11 military construction projects, along the international border with Mexico, with an estimated total cost of $3.6 billion, are necessary to support the use of the armed forces in connection with the national emergency,” Esper wrote in a letter addressed to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. James Inhofe.

“These projects will deter illegal entry, increase the vanishing time of those illegally crossing the border, and channel migrants to ports of entry,” he said.

Esper said the construction of the walls will allow Defense Department personnel to be redeployed to areas where more assistance is needed. more here

9 Comments on Secretary of Defense Mark Esper greenlights $3.6 billion for 175 miles of border wall

  1. Trump needs to move fast, very fast, on this and get it built of he may be facing big problems next November.

    Most of the people that voted for him, ones I myself helped persuade to do so, put his promised border wall as either on of the major reasons or the only reason for their support and vote. He can’t afford to lose any of them.

  2. So-called “Trump supporters” like “anonymous” blame Trump for stuff he cannot control, like Congress, or that the ACLU apparently isn’t into free speech anymore (Skokie?) but SJW lawfare…

    This continual “if Trump doesn’t” yammering is an attempt to discourage Trump supporters and sow doubts, dissuade people from voting, or make them more receptive to leftist propaganda.

  3. janitor,

    Yeah, like instituting more gun control, control that takes freedom away from me and yourself as well, by simply declaring it into existence.

    And seeking a new package of gun controls.

    He flatly lied about gun control in his campaign promises about it.

    So I’ll tel you what, buddy, after his first new gun control law that has turned hundreds of thousands of honest citizens into criminal I vowed to myself that ONE more gun control law and he looses my vote. Period.

    Never voted for a Republican or Democrat before, always voted third party till Trump came along. And as I said, one more gun control law by him and I’m back to third party only.

    (But I’m sure you’ll now find some way to blame Trump dictating this new law law, saying it was something out of his control. Right?)

  4. Judges, the wall, the economy, or the willingness to fight back are each a good reason to vote Trump. Together they should be more than enough for each of us to work for his re-election.


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