Secretary Pete Butticheeks is not answering questions about overwhelmed ports – IOTW Report

Secretary Pete Butticheeks is not answering questions about overwhelmed ports

Have We Ever Witnessed a More Incompetent and Out of Touch Bunch Than Biden’s Appointees? Chapter 5.

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Not to overlook we seem to have another corrupt democrat asshole as Attorney General, but if you ever wondered what would happen when a president appoints people based on their sex, color, or persuasion, look no further than the disaster that is Joe Biden’s administration.
We all know he didn’t pick Pete Buttigieg because of his experience with transportation issues….. more

22 Comments on Secretary Pete Butticheeks is not answering questions about overwhelmed ports

  1. Someone told him the job involved seamen entering his ports, and I think he misunderstood in his excitement…

  2. October 12, 2020: “Make way for Slayer Pete. Buttigieg is the Biden campaign’s ruthless secret weapon”

    Ahh, those were the days, weren’t they, Bicycle Pete? That golden moment when you still had no job responsibilities, and you could just be a snide asshole on TV every day. Now people expect you to do something, and you can do nothing but choke and hide. Maybe it’s time for another media blowjob photo op with simpering Chasten and that poor child. You disgust me.

  3. Sec. Pete is drawing on his vast experience as the mayor of the failed Indiana City of South Bend. This experience is based on the hope that if things are ignored, they will become better tomorrow, somehow.

  4. I don’t want anyone in this administration trying to “fix” any transportation problems because their policies caused these problems in the first place. “Hey, let’s cripple our domestic oil production and push questionable alternative energy sources.” “Let’s pay big unemployment benefits – the workers will come back as soon as they can, won’t they?” “How about we put unconstitutional vaccination mandates on big business – how can that possibly go wrong?”

    This is a clueless administration led by a clueless President. The only solution that could possibly work is for the Feds to say “we are getting out of the way.”

  5. Gov. Abbott just made the utterly common sense move of forbidding any private or public entity in Texas from issuing vaccine mandates to their employees. I’m sure this is a relief to many employees and employers in Texas who want know part of this fucking idiotic Branch COVIDian bullshit coming out of DC and democrat assholes looking to wreck the US economy with fake plague “justified” vaccine mandates. Fuck them.

  6. TheMule: People are really saying “Isn’t issuing a mandate against mandates just as wrong?” Let’s see them say that if an employer requires his employees to engage in Christian prayer at the beginning of every day or be fired. Those same people would be calling for a government mandate against it in a heartbeat.

  7. Hey Petey pecker lover, since you aren’t doing jack to fix these issues, which actually affect your voter’s and the people who didn’t vote for this shit.
    How about you go to your local gay bar and ask someone if you could push their barstool in. ASSHOLE 🤬

  8. Butterycheeks contemplates the problem.

    OK. if I just think about it logically: How do I get huge ships into a narrow port? Hmmmmm, must think of something from my own experience that relates – it won’t be easy because South Bend is a hole but not a port. But both receive things…receive things…sorta like things, big things, shoved into small spaces and then unloaded.

    AHA! Got it: Vast quantities of KY Jelly smeared on ships will allow for all of them to get in, unload their cargo, and withdraw smoothly. That’ll work.

    No Shit! President Biden will love it.

  9. “Secretary Pete Butticheeks is not answering questions about overwhelmed ports”

    Pete Butticheeks has since commented.


  10. Pete has been promoted to a level that exceeds his competence.

    I would think someone with a slight understanding of logistics could handle this. I guess Pete has no understanding of what he is supposed to do. That sums up almost everyone in the current administration.

  11. Tsquared
    OCTOBER 12, 2021 AT 7:03 PM
    “Pete has been promoted to a level that exceeds his competence.”

    Ah, The Peter Principle.

    Triple Peter in this case.

    …just the way he likes it…

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