Secular Holy Wars- For whose values will we fight? – IOTW Report

Secular Holy Wars- For whose values will we fight?

Techno Fog –

Today, President Biden visited U.S. troops in Poland, where he made a remarkable admission (later walked back by the White House) that he was going to send the 82nd Airborne to Ukraine:

Biden also lectured the troops about the importance of fighting for shared values and democracy. He suggested their fight, if he chooses to send them, would be one of good vs. evil:

“Ten, 15 years from now in terms of our organizational structures, the question is, who’s going to prevail? Are democracies going to prevail and the values we share? Or are autocracies going to? That’s really what’s at stake.”

Biden added that “We’re in the midst of a fight between democracies and oligarchs.”

If you think you’ve heard that before, it’s because they are a variation of the neoconservative belief that it is the obligation of the U.S., and it is the American interest, to promote and defend democracy and liberalism across the world. more

9 Comments on Secular Holy Wars- For whose values will we fight?

  1. The 82nd Airborne has absolutely no obligation to fight to preserve and protect American politicians, their kids, other family members and “business associates” money laundering operations in the Ukraine. None whatsoever.

    It’s not our circus and those ain’t our monkeys involved. If the dirty motherfuckers want to protect their hustle they can hire mercenaries.

  2. “fighting for shared values and democracy.”
    It’s opposite day, he meant to say,
    “fighting for my financial future, against democracy”.

    FJB & FTSwamp

  3. Ukraine should serve as a cautionary tale to all others who trade arms and self determination for promises of non-specific security to be provided by others at nom-specific conditions.

    (for those who forget Vietnam)

  4. In 1967, Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz was asked what it felt like to take human life, “I wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever killed Communists.”


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