Securing Canada’s Border: What’s the Solution? – IOTW Report

Securing Canada’s Border: What’s the Solution?

CFP: An Angus Reid poll released Friday shows about two thirds of Canadians feel the influx of illegal border crossers amounts to a crisis. These two thirds include people who voted NDP and Liberal in the 2015 general election. As the Liberal government is fond of noting, anyone who opposes these people walking into Canada from the United States is “alt right” and “un-Canadian.” Wonder how Liberal Party supporters who chuckle at conservatives being called names feel now. Time will tell. (Angus Reid Institute, Aug. 3)

The government’s position has been to spend money on housing and feeding these people who are called by the Liberals and their sycophants in the media as “irregular border crossers.” Some even prefer the term “refugees” although they are merely refugee claimants, a big difference.

In a recent cabinet shuffle, MP and former Toronto police chief Bill Blair was appointed Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction. This was a newly created ministry and the media had fun asking Blair what is duties are. Blair had no idea. But it’s not his fault. It is the government and not the minister who decides what the ministry entails. The new portfolio was probably created to make Blair, an old white guy, take the heat for the Somali-born Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen, a real favourite of Justin’s.

Blair’s reaction to the Angus Reid poll was the typical position taken by elites. He said, in effect, people who think the number of illegal border crossings is a crisis are just too stupid to understand it is not a crisis. Blair thinks it is manageable and it is as long as Canadian taxpayers do not run out of money to fund these “irregulars.”  more here

6 Comments on Securing Canada’s Border: What’s the Solution?

  1. Hey, Hosers there are millions more ‘irregulars’ where those came from! Get out your checkbooks and get your homes, hotels, apartments and bear dens ready! You will love diversity and multiculturalism, especially when you become the minority and get kicked out of what used to be your country! If you do come south please go all the way to Mexico, EH!


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