Security guard wounded in jihad attack at Muhammad cartoon event sues FBI, charges coverup – IOTW Report

Security guard wounded in jihad attack at Muhammad cartoon event sues FBI, charges coverup

Jihad Watch: Good for Bruce Joiner. There are many, many unanswered questions about what happened at Garland, and about the FBI was doing there. 60 Minutes ran a feature last March about the FBI curious role in the May 2015 Garland jihad attack at a free speech event co-organized by Pamela Geller and me. It was, predictably enough, viciously biased, sloppy, and incomplete, but it was nonetheless illuminating in raising a hard and unanswerable question: did the FBI want Pamela Geller and me dead?

 (AP Photo/Brandon Wade)


Despite the fact that the jihad attack took place at our event, neither Geller nor I appear, except in one still photo, in the 60 Minutes piece. All they say is that “a self-described free speech advocate named Pamela Geller was holding a provocative contest.”

Despite all the predictable politically correct whitewashing and appeasement, CBS did a good job of highlighting a curious and still unexplained aspect of the attack: the FBI clearly knew the attack was coming (although it didn’t bother to inform us or our security team), as the FBI agent was right there, following behind the jihadis, whom he had encouraged to “tear up Texas.” But even though they knew the attack was coming, they didn’t have a team in place to stop the jihadis. They had one man there, and one man only. The jihadis were not stopped by FBI agents, but by our own security team. If the jihadis had gotten through our team, they would have killed Pamela Geller and me, and many others. (They would no doubt have loved to kill Geert Wilders, but he left before they arrived.)  MORE

8 Comments on Security guard wounded in jihad attack at Muhammad cartoon event sues FBI, charges coverup

  1. A few questions::
    What did James Comey know & when did he know it?
    If he claims he didn’t know nuffin – why the hell not? Isn’t that level of incompetence reason for being fired?
    Whose orders was he following? Clearly the FBI leadership wasn’t following their oath of office & the mission statement of the FBI.

  2. They encourage jihadis to attack.

    If they do, they get some of you all killed – which Obama is cool with because the future doesn’t belong to those who slander the prophet.

    And then the FBI gets to swoop in and play hero.

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