Seeded Massage Bar Is Causing Plants to Grow in Users’ Showers – IOTW Report

Seeded Massage Bar Is Causing Plants to Grow in Users’ Showers

shower seed soap

OC: This seeded soap bar from UK-based cosmetic company Lush is as organic as it gets – some of its the ingredients are so natural, they can actually sprout plants in your shower!

The ‘Wiccy Magic Muscles’ massage bar produced by the company contains several aduki beans, which are obviously still alive and able to germinate. So when customers use the bar, and some of the beans fall away from it, they sometimes get lodged in nooks and crannies of the shower where they get enough water to start sprouting little shoots.  more

5 Comments on Seeded Massage Bar Is Causing Plants to Grow in Users’ Showers

  1. Some people just don’t think things through.

    Want to wager if the inventor of this product is a big time liberal? A classic example of the shortsighted-ness of one.

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  3. The ‘Wiccy Magic Muscles’ massage bar produced by the company contains several aduki beans, which are obviously still alive and able to germinate. So when customers use the bar, and some of the beans fall away from it, they sometimes get lodged in nooks and crannies of the shower where they get enough water to start sprouting little shoots.

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