Seeing Past The Narratives – 2 Election Points to Remember – IOTW Report

Seeing Past The Narratives – 2 Election Points to Remember

Conservative Treehouse:

There is a great deal of manipulation and falsehood in media presentation of the 2020 election. These lies and false constructs generate a great deal of anxiety. That said, there are two specific approaches by the narrative engineers that deserve a strong reminder.

♦The first purposeful approach media use to create and embed their false assumptions is a slight of hand that few notice, and it can create anxiety.  In normal term-two election cycles the baseline for media analysis should be the incumbent electoral win in term one.

The accurate baseline should be what states the incumbent (Trump) won in the prior 2016 election.  From that position the analysis should then discuss what states the challenger (Biden) needs to take in order to win.  The reason is simple, the incumbent already has a track record -so the assumption should be on retention of the previous outcome. However, with President Trump the media doesn’t do this. more

10 Comments on Seeing Past The Narratives – 2 Election Points to Remember

  1. The outcome of ANYTHING right now is difficult to project. Here’s a little indicator on the eve of our election:

    2020 is unprecedented. Who saw it coming? From the record-setting, booming Trump economy, to the Kabuki Theater of the failed Democrat impeachment, to the pandemic created by the ChiCom’s and embraced by Democrats to bring down the Trump economy, to the Communist-led destruction of American cities, to the Democrat nomination of a demented, good-for-nothing crook and his cocksucking running mate, to the betrayal and censorship by social media of the very nature of political discussion in our country … to the … what’s next?

    …an election for President and Congress that will have to deal with all that has happened.

    My crystal ball is foggy and cracked and pretty useless at this point.

  2. Please, everyone, remind the friends and fams voting for Trump to vote R down ticket. It’s not enough to re-elect Trump, he needs Congress too.
    Thanks! The R count matters in the House if they try to pull some bullshit about the Speaker of the House becoming president. (You heard Pelosi talking shit)

  3. Not only are democrats working from the standpoint that Joe already won in 2016, but they also work from the same standpoint of demographics. Example: Maxine “will never ever forgive black men who vote for Trump.” Well, it’s probably no surprise the party of slavery thinks they own black people and therefore demand control over how they vote.

  4. My prediction. Overwhelming Trump victory. So big, voter fraud will be irrelevant. We got this, patriots around the country have heard the call. 4 MORE YEARS!!

  5. The Black Bloc idiots of Seattle are resting up for the big fight starting at 7pm election night…and the next night.

    Meanwhile, several Biden loving/Trump haters I know (one in Atlanta and another in NC) are “making a plan” to be safe during the unrest. The unrest is on their side. Nevermind. I don’t know if that means they think Trump is going to win or not.

    Everyone I know in Ohio are voting for Trump. Well, except for one.

  6. Heres the deal. None of these polls are factoring in the people who never voted who are showing up at TRUMP Rallys, 30%+. And all the democrats, 30%+ showing up. What are these rookies going to do? They will vote straight republican because they are sick and tired of the bullshit and are finally voting, The democrats are doing the same. This will be an epic slaughter of the commie socialist party. TRUMPS coattails will bring in a majority in the House plus more senate seats and more governor seats. I doubt an incumbent R will lose their seat.

    God will VINDICATE TRUMP. TRUMP recognized Israel, recognized Jer-USA-lem as its capitol and moved our embassy there and other countries followed, TRUMP has fought tooth and nail to protect religious freeeeeedom AND the right to life. TRUMP IS GODS MAN. HE DIDNT PUT HIM THERE TO LOSE. Period. End rant.


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