Seems Accurate. – IOTW Report

Seems Accurate.

12 Comments on Seems Accurate.

  1. I hate to get all serous and stuff, but it’s been proven Chineses Eric Swallowswell not only arranged this press conference but pulled Hunter up to the podium and told him what to say. What kind of penalty will he face for helping Captain Brain Dead Jr avoid his congressional testimony?

  2. “WHO DID THIS??” I don’t know but whoever it was better pray that the DOJ doesn’t find out. Playing a joke on these bastards, especially online, could result in a prison sentence.

  3. Definitely a dog faced pony…chip off the old dad thingy!

    They have often said…”see the son through the father.”

    Reminds me of Warren Zevon’s song “Ain’t that pretty at all.” In the final analysis Mr. Hunter – your story ain’t that pretty at all and you are here today to throw yourself against this wall…

  4. ” What kind of penalty will he face for helping Captain Brain Dead Jr avoid his congressional testimony?”

    My guess, he will probably end up as California’s next senator. Wasn’t Feinstein’s office over run with Chinese spies? His next Fang Fang is probably already there. All he has to do is move in.


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