‘Self-Righteous:’ Dem Staffer Headed to Prison as Prosecutors Look to Make Example of Him for Politically-Motivated Crimes Against Republicans – IOTW Report

‘Self-Righteous:’ Dem Staffer Headed to Prison as Prosecutors Look to Make Example of Him for Politically-Motivated Crimes Against Republicans

Epoch Times:

A former aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is headed to prison Wednesday for what prosecutors said was the largest known data theft in Senate history.

The former aide, Jackson Cosko, pleaded guilty in April to crimes related to an unparalleled effort to ransack a Senate office, extorting a Democratic senator, illegally harming Republicans for their political views, and blackmailing a witness.

Prosecutors asked for nearly five years in prison for Cosko, a onetime congressional IT aide to Hassan. Cosko admitted he stole the New Hampshire Democrat’s data out of revenge for being fired, then used it to doxx Republicans during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.

“The government believes that a significant sentence would help to make clear that difference of political opinion do not entitle people to engage in politically motivated, criminal attacks threatening elected officials with whom he disagrees, and would thereby encourage respect for the law, and deter future criminal conduct,” prosecutors wrote.

New details emerged in their sentencing memo that made the case of Cosko — the Bernie Sanders-supporting son of a millionaire San Francisco developer with ties to California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi—even more shocking.

A second Hassan staffer who was friends with Cosko served as his accomplice in exchange for rent money helped him physically break into the office at night and pilfer internal emails even after he was fired, prosecutors’ sentencing memo shows. more here

27 Comments on ‘Self-Righteous:’ Dem Staffer Headed to Prison as Prosecutors Look to Make Example of Him for Politically-Motivated Crimes Against Republicans

  1. This is well deserved! I was thinking today about all the lib and rino criminals, and I got to wondering about where in the hell Imran Awan was. He sure became yesterday’s news. Maybe he is in Gitmo.

  2. If this is their way of appeasing the Conservatives for ALL the BullShit of the liberals…..it AIN’T gonna work.

    But, it is nice to think at least one of those bastards is going to see some jail time.

  3. “The Senate later realized that it was still being spied on only because Cosko informed government agents of the devices, the memo says. Police still have been unable to detect the devices’ WiFi signals, making it impossible to rule out that they aren’t plugged in elsewhere in Congress.”

    “Best and brightest…”



  4. “SOCIALISM AT ANY COST” is their cry.
    Make us believe, they have our best interest at heart.
    Make us believe guns are bad, and take them all away.
    They will give us everything for free, healthcare, education, and housing.
    Somebody has to pay for all the free stuff, so we will tax you just a little more,
    And slowly take our land, our homes.
    Then they decide what to pay, where you get to live, and what you are worth.
    And if you protest or object, or are no longer of use, you will be cut from the herd.
    Welcome to Demcratic Socialism/Slavery.

    Figure out how they are all connected, who’s money funds them. They all truly believe themselves to be the new ruling class.


  5. “He wanted to use stolen data “to punish people who disagreed with his politics” by publishing the personal information of Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham, Orrin Hatch, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Mitch McConnell, the memo says, which noted that Cosko laughed about his actions.“

    I’ll bet he doesn’t do much laughing the next 48 months.


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