Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana responds to feminist protestor, and it was magnificent – IOTW Report

Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana responds to feminist protestor, and it was magnificent

DC: Protester Asks GOP Senator To ‘Apologize’ To Her Children — His Response Makes Her Very Angry.

Anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters flooded Capitol Hill for weeks before his eventual confirmation to the Supreme Court, walking hallways in protest, holding loud demonstrations and confronting senators in their office buildings.

One such protester named Alethea Torrellas Shapiro had been attempting to harass senators on the Hill for days and regularly used her school-aged children to do so. 

Shapiro is an activist who calls extremist feminist activist Linda Sarsour her hero and regularly goes on profanity-laced tirades against GOP senators like Chuck Grassley.

After Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Shapiro wrote a public post on Facebook describing how she intended to use her four young children to shame “these horrible atrocious men” in the Senate “now that they confirmed Kavanaugh.”

One of the senators Shapiro approached was Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. Cassidy has made a name for himself shucking off protesters and throwing their arguments back at them.  GO SEE

23 Comments on Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana responds to feminist protestor, and it was magnificent

  1. “Cassidy concluded, “…But in the future, if somebody makes an allegation against you, and there’s no proof for it, you will be OK. Thank you,” before walking off.”

    If I would have been there I would get in her face and say “your husband raped me!” Then I would go on a tirade of places, times, etc., all made up. Tell her I’m going to ruin him professionally, and his reputation would be marred for life and yours too, oh and your chilldrun too! He will be guilty because I said so!”

    Turn it around on these bitches.

  2. Uncle Al October 12, 2018 at 4:04 pm

    @Goldenfoxx – You may have a problem with that approach because it requires that she HAVE a husband, and that is not a fact in evidence.

    But I like the way your mind works!

    Yeah, I like how my mind works too, I don’t get mad, I get even. If you saw her pic with her two spawns of Satan standing there holding signs, dad was standing there too. He’d be my target make no doubt about it. 🙂

  3. One more thing. Wait until that little girl of theirs is a teenager and when they go to discipline her, she can go to any teacher, counselor, or call CPS and say that her father molested her. Think I’m kidding? First thing CPS asks a female child if their father has molested them. Saw it when we took our niece in to help her and CPS paid a visit to our house. So, the question is there and all the girl has to say is “yes,” true or not. They either remove the child or the father. Since she was with us, and of course she answered no, CPS got involved. That’s a whole other story for another time, but I told the CPS to get the hell out of my house, and she did and didn’t come back.

  4. Why the hell is her 10 or 12 year old daughter sitting in a stroller? These kids are getting a bit old to be used as props by their psychotic mother. She needs to dust the cobwebs outta her stank cooch and make a new batch of props.

  5. Those poor children. My Lord, they’ll be so confused as they get older. Unloved, undisciplined, then depressed. By the late 20’s suicidal. Will mommy take accountability? Nope, she’ll blame society.


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