Sen. Blackburn: Biden using VA resources to process health claims for illegals causing backlog of ‘1 million’ veterans – IOTW Report

Sen. Blackburn: Biden using VA resources to process health claims for illegals causing backlog of ‘1 million’ veterans

“When you’ve got a backlog of a million veterans that are waiting to get health care, that are waiting to get benefit answers, and you find out that money that should be being used to solve their situations is being used for illegal immigrants, to people that is absolutely maddening.  Because think, Wait a minute, we promised our veterans that we would take care of them and now you’re telling me the money that should be taken care of them is being spent on illegal immigrants.”

19 Comments on Sen. Blackburn: Biden using VA resources to process health claims for illegals causing backlog of ‘1 million’ veterans

  1. Disabled Vet. Just saying. Not getting post cards with appointments any more, they just leave a message on my answering machine. Pills come from a different a place. 3 month wait for a MRI. Something seems different.

  2. Impeach whoever is head of the VA. NOW!
    Make this piece of shit spill the beans.
    Indict the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey (assuming it’s his brainchild) because monies appropriated by Congress CANNOT be used for purposes other than prescribed by that appropriation.

    But my guess is that everyone in the Uniparty will continue to diddle each others’ assholes and lick their fingers.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. From my Navy Vet brother this morning….

    “I am still waiting on “diagnosis” for my damaged shoulder from last spring?!?! It has gotten awful, Again. The only truth I have gotten out of them at Togus recently is if I need health care to just go to the local ER and let the VA sort out the pay and paper…….
    Sad but true and when I talked with the patient advocates office they basically agreed and provided me an 800 number to give to the hospitals….”

    Togus is the VA hospital in Augusta, ME

  4. 5th month waiting for my 95 year old combat (Korea) wounded vet father-in-law to be approved for aide and attendance in an assisted living facility. They were actually (VA employees) were discouraging us from applying and saying he was old and soon to no longer need services! Assholes!

    Now I hear why…illegal administration and illegal president should be shit-canned


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