Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) Is A Low-Life – IOTW Report

Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) Is A Low-Life

Rep. Lou Barletta (R-Pa.) says that Sen. Bob Casey’s (D-Pa.) campaign ad is “rotten and evil.”

10 Comments on Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) Is A Low-Life

  1. practically every dimmocRat out there is ‘rotten & evil’ & a despicable piece of crap

    that being said, it makes me smack my head that the repubs can’t get good candidates to run against these piles of shit … it’s seems like they want to put up the most boring, non-electable candidate that they can find so the dimms will win

    I am continually stupefied by the repubs desire to lose

  2. His father is the reason I don’t live in PA anymore. Both he and his father are slimy, and beholden to big business and energy interests. Anything he would do to promote himself, even at the expense of others, would not surprise me and nothing he could do would have me cast a vote for him. He’s just a pennsylvania walmart version of the kennedys.

  3. Irks me as well that conservatives are the ones that take the ‘high road’ and not lower themselves to the trash level of the ghetto required response being called for by Soros financed, new world order chum. The New World Order is over! And conservatives did not have to shoot anyone in the process. Done it to yourselves, Red Tide coming.

  4. I think Mitch-the-B wants only GOPe type senators and RINOs to win in senate races. LOU Barletta has very little money to combat many millions that Casey Jr. has on hand. The DC republicans would prefer NOT to have an overwhelming advantage because then they would need to follow Trump’s policies and make laws to do that.

  5. TR – Good take on it! Until the childish pissing match that these pocket lining scum elected ‘politicians’ getting drowned in the ‘swamp’. I have never viewed Trump as either/or. Just looking forward to another 4 years, of pissing all of them off and weeding them out. Patience is a virtue.

  6. I’ve said it a million times, our party is treading water instead of running away with things because of the two scumbags in leadership. Ryan and McConnell have their pockets stuffed by big business and they do their bidding in an underhanded way.
    Ryan is leaving soon after enriching himself, and is only loitering to guide his handpicked stooge to replace him.
    McConnell is still grabbing Chinese bribe money with both fists and will be a cancer for a while to come.

  7. Casey was born with a silver spoon up his ass and is just another useless politician I have not or will not ever vote for. His father started the process of ruining Pennsylvania and a-holes like Rendell have continued.

    Casey is a political scum swamp dweller. He’s lying every time he opens his mouth.


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