Sen. Bob Menendez Faces His Scandal Problems In NJ Senate Race – IOTW Report

Sen. Bob Menendez Faces His Scandal Problems In NJ Senate Race

DC: New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez appears to be heading into some serious trouble in the November midterm elections, and few are taking notice.

Listening to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the focus for Senate Republicans is picking up seats in states like Arizona, Nevada, Tennessee, Montana, North Dakota, Missouri, Indiana, West Virginia and Florida.

Leadership’s goal is to retain the seats in competitive GOP races — like the vacancy left behind from Sen. Jeff Flake in Arizona — and pick up seats in tight elections, like Sen. Heidi Heitkamp’s of North Dakota.

Yet, another state — New Jersey — is looking more and more competitive with every passing week.

While former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the state with 14 percent more of the vote than President Donald Trump in 2016, voters are becoming increasingly iffy about Menendez, a man who has been at the center of one of the biggest political scandals since the 2016 election.  more here

8 Comments on Sen. Bob Menendez Faces His Scandal Problems In NJ Senate Race

  1. Politics is the mecca for the most ambitious of white collar criminals. The rewards can be in the millions and the risk is minimal, even when caught red handed like this lowlife they seem to evade any harsh punishment. Too bad people don;t put more thinking in their decisions about who to support.

  2. Hey! What about Michigan? We are poised to replace Debbie Stabenow (D) with John James (C, C, R) (Christian, Conservative, Republican).

    Oh, that must be why McTurtle doesn’t care; John James is a true conservative. He is also not a politician. He is a successful businessman and ex-Military.

  3. New Jersey may be a bridge too far, but it would be great to oust that neanderfuck. Likewise in Virginia. Has McConnell already surrendered the seat back to Timmy Kaine before we even have our primary?
    That’s the difference between him and Trump. Every Dem seat should be fought for at all cost.


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