Sen. Brian Jones Warns Calif. Election Integrity Is Vulnerable To Voting Fraud – IOTW Report

Sen. Brian Jones Warns Calif. Election Integrity Is Vulnerable To Voting Fraud

OAN: California’s upcoming primary elections are once again raising concerns among voters about the integrity of the state’s elections. One America’s Pearson Sharp spoke with Sen. Brian Jones (R-Calif.), who said Democrats just shot down a great chance to help prevent voting fraud.

12 Comments on Sen. Brian Jones Warns Calif. Election Integrity Is Vulnerable To Voting Fraud

  1. Vulnerable? How quaint. In CA, it is a feature. Voter fraud is planned. I think the voter fraud we saw in 2016 and 2018 will be nothing compared to the fraud coming in 2020.

    That CA has abolished the precinct polling station (new for 2020), in-person voting at ‘voting centers’ will be electronically scanned, lengthened ‘Election Day’ to eleven days, expanded mail-in ballots, made ballot harvesting legal (2016), and moved the primaries to March 3rd, the fraud will be a level never seen before.

    Also, while the last day to register to vote is Feb. 18th (widely advertised), and only select voting centers open on Feb. 22nd (somewhat buried in the text), the state says you can register to vote at a voting center.
    A feature or a bug?

  2. So, how does the average person do anything to prevent -or expose- voter fraud and to take action against it?

    Are we at the mercy of the whims of politicians to handle it, if and when they should decide to, or is there some kind of (legal) citizen actions that can be taken to address it?

  3. For the 2018 elections, there was precinct splitting. This meant that voters who had voted at the same polling station for years would then find that they were at the wrong poll station. They could then travel to the correct poll station (sometimes miles away) or they could cast a provisional ballot. Most voters chose the latter option. Of course, the provisional may not be counted and it was easier to tamper with a provisional.

    This precinct splitting was not advertised, or if it was, it was not widely known. Even I, a poll worker for many years, didn’t find out about it until the evening of Election Day. Most poll workers, at different polling stations, also did not know. This resulted in an extraordinary number of provisional ballots.

    But that was then. Now, even though the Registrar and the Sect. of State says the new changes are meant to reduce the number of provisional ballots, I do not believe them. CA is ripe for fraud. It has been engineered for fraud.

  4. Anon, I have long wracked my brain trying to figure out how to avoid voter fraud. The best I could come up with was to use a paper ballot only and to tell others to do likewise. Also, to get involved and keenly watch for means for fraud. Give whatever information to Judicial Watch. Certainly none of the elected representatives (both parties) I’ve contacted are interested. I think taking the vote out of the custody of the Secretary of State (an elected position) would be a great start.

    New for 2020, the paper ballot now will be electronically scanned just like when voting by machine. That is very troubling.

    At the least, get involved.

  5. People are leaving the Rat party like… well, you know what, and now I’m reading that even more are leaving as a direct result of Nancy’s antics! The ONLY thing they have working for them at this point is Fraud!! We really need to put some serious teeth into enforcement to prevent fraud, but also to make it very, very painful when it is uncovered!!


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